I replaced the outlets in our kitchen island for cosmetic reasons. To test them before replacing them I tripped them using a standard 3-prong GFCI tester. Both outlets worked, and were wired correctly. Since this killed the power to the outlets I went ahead and replaced them.
Now, I can't restore power to the outlets and I am wondering if I have overlooked something that I have already checked, or if there is something I haven't checked yet.
I checked that the outlets are wired correctly.
I reset all the GFCI outlets in the house, at least all the ones that I could find. (I don't specifically remember finding one that was tripped.)
I checked the panel, and the subpanel, feeling each breaker individually to make sure none were tripped.
I looked for more GFCI outlets. I tripped them all again.
I rechecked the wiring on the outlets.
I tripped all the circuits in the house and reset them in case one of them was partially tripped.
I tested the circuit with my multimeter and it is definately not getting power, along with other outlets in the kitchen.
The lights all work fine, as they should since I would not expect them to be on the same circuit.
I looked throughout the whole house again for more GFCI outlets.
Now I'm just doing the same things over and over again.
I'm ready to call in a pro.
Any help would be appreciated.