I have a similar problem. It seems to me it is a problem with the power company. Can anyone help and tell me what the problem is?
In my house, 2 hot wires, all devices connected to the right one are working properly. Another hot wire(left) will be turned to lower and even 0 voltage if I connects breaks(swicthes on the wire).
I disconnected all breakers on the "bad" hot wire, the hot wire became 120V. I moved one pair of wires (for laundry room, there is only one bulb in the room), which is working fine when it is connected to the "good" hot wire, to the "bad" hot wire. As soon as I turned the breaker ON, the "bad" hot wire become 0 volt. Is this telling the "bad" hot wire can't take a load? What is wrong with the power supply?
Thanks for your help!