
No power to my amp?

by  |  earlier

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The ground to my amp came loose, I hooked it back up but now I dont have any power? Please Help!!!




  1. if your ground wire came loose (which is kind of hard to get loose) then that means amp (or sub) is not bolted down i'm presuming and if one wire came loose others could have easily done so also, check all wires plugged into the amp (dont just look at them, slightly tug em a bit and if a wire is loose it may be enough to cause that wire not to be transmitting power, also check your fuse box (one fuse box should be under your dash next to the steering wheel and another under the hood of your car) you'll have to find out what fuse your amp is connected to and see if it is blown

  2. Where did it come loose from, the amp or the place you had it hooked up at? If it came loose at the point of connection, you may want to check your fuses. It could have touched a hot wire somewhere and blown a fuse. Also, make sure that the ground location is clean from dirt, debris, rust, paint, etc... You know, just make sure it's a reliable ground location. Also, some amps have fuses in them as well to act as surge supressors. Make sure that one is still good.

    Hope this helped. :)
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