
No predator for the lab created mole? Solutions?

by Guest32675  |  earlier

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750 million rodents devouring crops in Spain

Among locals, rumors of more insidious origins are spreading. "These aren't normal moles – they're not blind, for one thing," charges Rufino Reyerto, who lives in Reseno. "They're hybrids that have been produced in a lab." In neighboring Vilbañez, vegetable farmer Ponferro harbors deeper suspicions. "The government created this new mole so that birds of prey would have food. It's the environmentalists' fault."

Just one more imbalance created by "scientists" creating genetically engineered animals in the lab? So maybe they should create genetically engineered predators?

Will the black plague become an issue once again?




  1. Then need to send some snakes over there.

    Snakes on a plane and Samuel L Jackson.

  2. VVVeeee......... Voles!

    That is because they are not moles. They are voles and not genetically modified at all........


  3. they could just bring some snakes in that love themselves some mole.  problem solved.

  4. First off, I think jumping to the "lab created mole theory" is jumping the gun quiet a bit.  The article states that it is just a rummer and nowhere does it state that it is a genetically modified animal.  Your question tends toward an alarmist reaction typical of activist organizations like Greenpeace.  Name me one logical reason the government would have to create such an animal and release it on the public. I'm sure time will put these moles in their proper niche.  If they are genetically engineered little monsters bringing back the black plague, time will reveal this as well, but it is a little early to push the panic button yet.

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