
No reasoned answers: Is anybody over 15 years old discussing the election on these boards?

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The US election is pretty damned serious.

We want people who are creative thinkers, good poker players, inspiring leaders, and hard workers. I expect we want people who bring out the best in the American people.

How is this process compatible with stupid name-calling and lines that would make Beavis and Butthead look clever? Does it look to anybody else like everyone discussing the Presidential election is 12 to 15 years old?




  1. I fear you have come to the wrong place...  Every once in a while a good point is put on the Y/A table, but it is soon lost in the crossfire of stupidity.  

  2. Schools out today. That would explain it...

  3. You're right, luckily it only takes place on here, because comparing a harvard law educated, magnacum laude president of the harvard law review, constitutional law proffessor, state and u.s senator to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears is only allowed by a 72 year old nominee of one of the two major parties.

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