
No recycling in my buillding...?

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There is no recycling in my apartment building. I asked the manager to get recycling here, but she said that the residents already voted against it. The recycling center is quite far from my apt. What can I do?? Where can I drop off all this c**p??




  1. My wife and I have run into a similar situation ourselves.  My municipality has a descent recycling program but there are certain things that are not taken.  In our case, the biggest needs are office paper and cardboard (we get a lot from our church since that municipality does not include these items in their recycling program).  How did we deal with it?

    We take these items we gather from our household, church, and our friends whose municipalities do not recycle these materials and drop them off at a program where we volunteer that sells them to recyclers to raise money for a homeless shelter.  On our way, we pick up our friends' materials and exchange our compost with one who has a garden since our condo association (build on an old brownfield) does not allow for compost bins.

    If you cannot get the materials to a friend who lives close by and would include your stuff with theirs, I would contact your local municipal leaders and pressure them to make recycling mandatory with the understanding that it may cost them money to run the program.  That way, the building would have to comply whether the program is wanted or not.  You might be surprised how many people would join along if the framework is in place.

    The best thing you could do, above all, is to reduce the amount you purchase and use.  This will require less recycling in itself as well as keep more money in your pocket.  Good for the earth and financially responsible at the same time.

  2. All items of domestic & commercial garbage are recyclable &/or re-usable.

    All metals, plastics & paper can be recycled, while organic wastes (known as wet-wastes) coming from kitchens, dining halls, etc. can be subjected to bio-digestion to produce Biogas, which in turn can displace a portion of our LPG gas consumed.  Even Horticultural Wastes, from lawns, gardens, etc. can be converted into producer gas (through biomass gasifiers) which can be used to generate heat, hot-water or electricity.

    Even Sewage can be used to produce biogas, thus ensuring our living quarters and work-places become zero-discharge centers and become less of a burden on the already deteriorating ecology.

    This strategy is called "Wealth-from-Wastes" or "Waste-to-Wealth"

  3. What state is this is. Most states have laws and junk about junk and the proper disposal or recycling of it.

    Is that company called WMS picks up your garbage, it is being recycled, that crew thought it out and worked the system from the inside.

    Now they get paid by Municipals to pick stuff up, then they sell the good stuff for a fat profit. .

    If there is a landfill in your county, contact the EPA. Most states have a EPA or some kinda environment cops now. The condo owners cannot vote away state and federal laws, yet.

  4. I'm not sure where you can drop it off, but I do know where you can use safer products with biodegradable containers.  If you are interested send an email to the address below asking for more information about using safer products in your home.  The company that I get mine from is great, and they are pretty cheap!

  5. Sorry, but you have the cutest avatar I have ever seen !!

    The thing that needs recycling the most is Aluminum.  The US has used up to 6% of its electric power on aluminum production.  Not recycling Al is a real shame.  Not only does this hurt the environment long-term, but hits the economy with higher energy prices immediately.

    Pass out some boxes for people to put aluminum cans into.

    Collect them and find a scrap metal place.  Take the cans to that place and make yourself some pocket money while you save your little part of the world !!  Don't bother with plastic and paper at first.

  6. the garbage *****.

    the truck that takes the recycleables to the dump, pollutes more than the few cans and boxes it delivers.

    recycling is truely a waste of government funding.

    want to do something for the enviornment, plant more ******* trees, and don't cut none down.

    because trees and plants absorb Co2 from the air and convert it into oxygen through photosynthesis.

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