
No retrogrades in my planets other than the True Node?

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What does this indicate?




  1. Then you are a "new soul." And came into this world without a lot of emotional baggage, and are now free to blaze new territories without karmic repercussions.   Most of your karmic debts have been repaid.  Life a good, honest decent life, and be grateful.  Rewards will come to you.  Do otherwise, and you will pay the price.

  2. With respect to whomever authored your quote, i think it is fishing. The normal motion of the planets is direct - not retrograde and the normal motion of the nodes is retrograde, not direct. So, if you have no retrogrades except the nodes how does this mean anything special??? it just means everything is normal and you should proceed to analyze the rest of the chart without caring about retrogrades.

  3. congrats god saved u  the man made miseries of RETROGRADES ,going backwards when we all know planets only move forwards IGNORANCE FATHER FORGIVE THEM 4 THEY NKNOW NOT WHAT THEY SEE

  4. Hi:)

    It means that you tend to be fairly well aware of what you're doing and what's going on around you...there aren't any planets working on a subconscious level so they're all expressing their energies directly. With the exception of your nodes, which are in retrograde, indicating that you're kind of in the dark as far as your mission in life and what karmic goals you're seeking to achieve. Doesn't matter, most people's nodes are retrograde. Doesn't mean that you're not going to achieve your karmic goals, it just means that you're not going to be as aware of what those goals are, and what it is that you're doing to get you there. You're just going to go about your business and do what you've got to do, and let karma take care of itself.

    EDIT: To the person above me: I know perfectly well what I'm seeing, my nodes are direct;-)

  5. Hi Dandelion

    You are lucky YES and no. Retrogrades are only an apparent motion of moving backwards . They may move slow as to appear stationary but they are in continuous motion.

    Many people have retrograde planets as we call them, and succeed rather well.

    When Saturn is retrograde, it takes on a touch of Jupiter just like Venus retrograde, takes on a touch of Mars and vice-versa.

    As for the nodes, they are more often retrograde than not.

    A chart , from another level, can have only trines and no stressful aspect. This makes  a person lazy and often amount to nothing. Squares build character, and eventually reward you once you learnt the lessons.

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