
No rolling paper or blunt wraps. what can i use?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna smoke weed at a concert soo i cant use a bowl or a bong what can i use as rolling paper or a blunt wrap that i can find at home?




  1. nothing at home will really work - try rolling a cigarette in your hands to get the tobacco then load it back up with the grass.  or hollow out an apple, a la charlize theron.  depending on what show you're going to, you could also make new friends as there will likely be other people there doing the same thing as you.

  2. well u can use either a brown paper bag, sticky notez, or  sum foil!!!

    0r jus hit up da store & get u a mini philli or a swisha sumthin like dat....

  3. ummm. carpet? XD... lol iono would paper work?

  4. wow are you honesty asking this question......try nothing. say no to drugs

  5. well ya gotta leave to get to the concert so buy a vanilla dutch on the way.

  6. You can always bring a pen and a little bit of foil, buy a bottle of water there, and fashion a "water pipe for tobacco use."

  7. you could use the blank page on the back of the bible but it kinda sucks cuase its burns quick and it doesnt stick when you l**k it but i heard if youi buy like winter fresh and get one of the gum wrappers and scrap the foil off with your fingernail( which takes forever lol) and you can use that but it doesnt stick either but what i did is i got a drop of syrup and just wiped it across the part i want it to stick and there ya go

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