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whats the difference between hip hop dancing and breakdancing?




  1. thank you for the invitation to answer your question  I beleive hip hop dancing is more to the music maybe faster than step and not as formal as jazz or tap etc.  Break dancing is just that a lot of spinning an jumping around.  Really no rythem rolling on your head  I beleive you need to be flexibe to do break dancing.  I sure would love to dance to the

  2. isnt it that break dancing has all the spinny on the ground moves where as hip hop has more on the feet movement with a few handstands and that thrown in

  3. break dancing is just a type of hip hop dancing

  4. break dancers do alot of trick like flares and headspins things of that nature.  

    heres break dancing:

    hip hop dancers do alot of krumping and fast smooth dancing.

    heres some hip hop dancing:

    hope this helps you a bit :)

  5. I think hip hop is more of certain types of moves while break dancing is whatever the person wants to do. Just my assumption.

  6. Hip hop dance is a title and breakdance falls under the umbrella of hip hop,there are my different types of hip hop, krump, popping, locking, breakdancing, the same way that there are different styles of ballet, or jazz.

  7. Hip hop is more choreography and break dancing is more like crumping. Kind of out of control and brash.

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