
No self confidence at all?

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Hi, I have a friend who have no confidence at all

she always moans about how she looks i keep telling her that she is not ugly but she wont have any of it.

When she is speaking to boys she doesnt give any eye contact so she scares them away

i feel sorry for her she is my friend ffrom primary

any ideas on what to say to her???




  1. You can tell her that the more she talks about how unattractive she is, the more it comes true because she is refusing to work at being attractive. Over 1/2 of being attractive is in the attitude, not in the physical looks. Just acting self-confident leads to self-confidence. The more she dwells on the negative, the more it will impinge permanently on her personality.

    The fix is simple, but not easy, and must be practiced with friends. She needs to practice looking at people and talking - acting the part like a role in a movie. After a while, it will become second nature and be a permanent part of her personality. She will be happier, and healthier.

  2. get her a dude but a word from the wise if she doesnt change soon get a new friend i know it sounds cruel but those type of personalities really drain your energy

  3. First, you have to be supportive.Listen to her.She is probably really shy and feels uncomfortable in social situations. When you are at a party with her, try to get her into the conversation. Try topics that interest her and the group. Introduce her to some of your guy friends.

    Don't criticize her,but give her suggestions on make-up ,hairstyles,and clothing that would enhance her features.

  4. Do things that encourage her to gain confidence. Be supportive. Help her make small steps towards getting confidence.

    It won't be over night but she can do it!

    All the best.

  5. Pray for her ,Gurl it always works.

  6. awh thats sad. try to get a guy to talk to her.. and tell her how pretty she is. It would help if she heard it from a guy.  She might just think u are saying that because you are her friend.. so she needs to here it from someone else. She keep on giving her compliments everyday and try to get a guy interested in her and do the same.. sounds a lil weird i know but i'm sure it would work.  

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