
No s*x in six months,will it hurt again?Just like your first time?

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No s*x in six months,will it hurt again?Just like your first time?




  1. yeah it does but not as bad as your first time :) just stings for a few seconds

  2. it might I'm not really sure. I went without having s*x for a year it hurt after that but I'm not sure how bad it hurts your first time having s*x. I lost my virginity while I was really drunk. I barely even remembered the night.  

  3. It could do yes, but I wouldn't worry because it'll last for maybe two or three seconds then you'll be fine :)

  4. Im not sure what the poster above me was going on about, but man I was horny as h**l my first time, absolutely ready with an experienced person, and it still burned the first 10 or 15 seconds because *i had never had anything up there* >_> So of course it was painful, but obviously not painful enough to sway me from s*x lol

    My partner and I went a year without s*x after my first few times because he had moved, and after a year it was just a tidge less painful than my very first time, but it only lasted a few seconds. Dont think of it as your v****a 'repaired' itself, but the muscles just got relaxed.

    After a WEEK of no s*x, its still slightly uncomfortable the first 2 or 3 seconds. Though, never like the first time.

  5. It depends if you tore or stretched your virgin (membrane) the first time.  If you stretched it the first time it might be  little sore but not quite like the first time. If you tore it then no it won't be sore.

  6. There is no reason why it would hurt again, no reason for it to hurt in the first place.

    Your first time should not hurt any more than your millionth time, there is nothing about loosing your virginity that would make s*x painful, your body is not transformed by s*x, the only thing about loosing your virginity that would make it painful would be the ignorance of you and your partner. s*x is always supposed to be pleasurable, pain is your bodies way of telling you that something is wrong so you should stop, evaluate the situation and right whatever it is that is causing the problem, either that or try again another day. The wisdom and safety of what you do is totally in your hands, if you are unable to distinguish between what is pleasurable from what is pleasurable then you have no business having s*x. s*x education is poor and parents aren’t often good enough at their job to educate their children, however if you are old enough to be having s*x then you are more than old enough to know enough about s*x to know that s*x should never be painful.

    Think about it – why would s*x be painful the first time? Why would s*x hurt after 6 months? Does time heal all wounds….even the ‘hairy axe wound’?

    A lot of girls experience pain the first time they have s*x because they and their partners do not know how to have s*x – s*x is not a p***s going in and out of a v****a, it is kissing, touching, flirting, hugging, stroking, masturbation, oral, anal and vaginal. The v****a is also not just a hole to put a p***s into, s*x can no more happen as it should with an unprepared v****a as it can with an unprepared p***s. When you are aroused your v****a naturally goes through many changes, it becomes more tube-like, it becomes relaxed, lubricated and longer as well as wider all natures way to accommodate the p***s – h**l, a whole person can fit through there, a p***s is nothing in comparison. A woman does not immediately turn on, s*x has to happen long before intercourse ever takes place, and ideally a woman should reach o****m before penetration for both practicality and for the simple fact that most women don’t o****m from penetration alone. If a woman is not aroused the v****a is not ready for penetration, thus the p***s does not go in easily and causes pain, worse still if you are scared or tense as your vaginal muscles will tense up to, again meaning the p***s has to force its way in, making it painful. If girls believe the myth that s*x the first time will be painful of course they will not relax, they and their v****a will tense up, and they certainly will not be aroused enough to make penetration an easy or enjoyable experience, thus there is pain. You do not know your body, your partner does not know your body, and neither of you know much about s*x.

    If it hurts then tell your partner, and stop – why on earth do you want to cause yourself pain and why on earth do you want to be with someone who not only is not interested in giving you pleasure but is content in causing you pain? Tell your partner when things feel good too, only you know what feels good and what doesn’t, you cannot expect him to psychically know what is hurting you and what is pleasurable to you, so if you don’t tell him it hurts then it will keep hurting, and if you don’t tell him what feels good I can guarantee you are going to have the most boring s*x life of any person you know – you’d be missing out on a lot.

    As long as you are relaxed and aroused there is very little reason past a medical condition that would cause you to feel pain, you need a caring partner who respects you and you need to respect yourself enough not to just lay there letting a guy hurt you, demand some pleasure rather than just tolerating pain!

    Check out this article from Scarleteen – very highly respected informative body-positive s*x-positive web site – it’s called ‘From ow! To wow!: demystifying painful intercourse’, it’ll explain why s*x may be painful and what to do to stop it being painful and make it more pleasurable

  7. dunno, but I could help you find out =D

  8. No i dnt think so, might feel a little tight but thats all.

    (i didnt have s*x for 1 year)


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