
No signal from new graphics card on new motherboard ?

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i have installed a new gigabyte motherboard on my system and the only thing different from my old system is the graphics card

when i boot up everything whirrs like it is booting up however my monitor says no signal

the graphics card is from ebay so i have no way of telling if the graphics card is faulty

i also havent got an old system with agp to check it out on

does this sound like the graphics card it faulty or could it be something else ?




  1. Could also be a problem with your new MB. Most likely.

    I have that problem from time to time when I assemble a now upgrade for myself.

    Make sure that the card is proper aligned to the slot when you put it in and make sure all the connections are touching your Motherboard's connection.


  2. That sounds like the motherboard. Power it down pull the plug and the battery let it sit 5 minutes While it's sitting pull all the ram out, (boot it with no ram see if you hear beeps or see errors) and check all wires. When replacing a MB the last thing I'd suspect is the video card, I mean there are so many opportunities to get something wrong. Make sure you have enough power for the graphics card and ensure you have attached the power cable directly to the graphics card if required.

  3. is the new mobo of the same brand and type as the old one?

    if not, you have a HAL problem (hardware abstraction layer, see link below). the OS has been installed on the old mobo and therefore the HAL don't match with the new one.

    if you have a CD/DVD with the OS on it you can solve the problem doing a repair installation.

  4. Does it post (i.e. do you get the BEEP from the onboard speaker)? If yes, then your graphics card is broken, if not then theres something broken like the RAM or mobo.

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