
No solution to illegal immigration?

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most people have stong opinions toward this subject.

anyone who actually knows about it should give me answers with info (websites!!) that support the idea that illegal immigration can't be solved.

i don't think it'll ever be completly solved because you can't keep people out of somewhere and i think people should find ways to get immigrants to move to canada. where there's NOBODY. lol




  1. No solution? Wrong there's a solution and most Americans support it-deport every illegal alien-Impossible you say-let's try it and find out.

  2. I don't believe in National borders myself.  My family immigrated, illegally even, to the US when I was very young.  We became legal the "easy" way - Dad joined the army.  No one ever was mean to us even though it was painfully obvious we were immigrants and openly admitted we were here illegally at the time because we're WHITE.  

    Yes, we immigrated, illegally, from  Sweden.  So there's your solution to illegal immigration.  Bleach everyone.  Apparently the only issue a lot of people have with immigrants is that the only illegal immigrants they notice are the ones  with brown skin.  A bigoted attitude, to say the least. In a country that claims to take so much from the Bible to cement their values, they certainly ignore their own favored illegal - Jesus.  I don't remember the part in  the Bible where he had to apply for a Visa to stomp all over the place or the part in the Bible where he said "And thou of brown skin shall keep thyself South of the Rio Grande and only speak poor English.  Amen."  But then again, I'm not a christian, so I may have missed that part...


  3. More or less true. But illegal immigration isn't the problem, the economy is.

    We had even more illegal immigrants under Bill Clinton then we do under Bush; but nobody cared back then. Why not?

    Well, its because we had a much better economy back then. There were plenty of jobs, so we didn't care if the illegal immigrants took some or not. Now our economy is tanking, and with fewer jobs we definitely care.


    No.  What else can I say.  Every word up there needs a link that won't ever be found.  There were far fewer illegal aliens in those days, and the Congress would not support the funding for the Border Patrol, or putting the manpower in the Border Patrol.  Congress wanted to amnesty them: it was apposed by the people, but accepted by congress, and the next thing you know you had the beginning of the invasion and most of them were coming to be here for the next amnesty.


    People keep coming to this site and telling us the same thing, and don't bring support.  There is no support, but they insist and the links up there are just excellent for debunking the incrediable myths La Raza and the boys generate.

    The other night on Fox News, the lady asked about the 800 billion dollars the illegal aliens generated in our economy.  The ONLY.. only place, you will find that information is in the press in Mexico.  They know because they made it up.

    Illegal aliens have been costing about 300 billion a year for a long time.  The Bush Government did not want anyone looking at the information, and frankly, I believe it was hidden.  The States, however, didn't understand the mess they were looking at.. and they began publishing information that made that process look very, very ugly.

    Your State Reps are very powerful.  Make sure you ask them to help if they can.

  4. Want to see a REAL solution? Try working in Mexico without citizenship for a month or two. Or maybe Japan. Singapore. Germany. Zimbabwe.

    In fact, anyone attempting to work ANYWHERE on EARTH without documents had best have his/her spiritual house in order.


    edit: I also happen to have a front row seat to how the rank and file illegal alien lives (my job) and a pretty accurate idea of the stats & percentages. Fewer than half of those impacting us actually work at ALL.

    How can that be?

    Our robinhood govt chooses to steal from the middle-class and elderly poor and lavish priceless housing, sChips, Medicare, Medicaid, education, WIC (food-stamps)...even FUEL assistance onto illegal teens who come 8.5 months pregnant and start making meal-ticket babies like there's no tomorrow.

    The typical case among my direct observations receives at least 4 TIMES what an elderly female U.S. citizen does after 50+ years raising a family.


  5. More or less true. But illegal immigration isn't the problem, the economy is.

    We had even more illegal immigrants under Bill Clinton then we do under Bush; but nobody cared back then. Why not?

    Well, its because we had a much better economy back then. There were plenty of jobs, so we didn't care if the illegal immigrants took some or not. Now our economy is tanking, and with fewer jobs we definitely care.

    Basically what happened is that Bush's policies of giving tax cuts ONLY to the rich and to corporations really screwed things up. There's nothing wrong with giving tax cuts to those two groups. But there is something wrong with giving it to them and only them. What made it even worse is that Bush, despite his protestations to the contrary, actually RAISED taxes on the Middle Class to make up for the money loss from dropping taxes elsewhere.

    But money is the lifeblood of the economy; it only works if money is flowing through it. Well, the Middle Class makes up the majority of consumers. Bush took more of their money, and now they don't have any to use to consume. Corporations cannot sell goods and services to people for money; when the people they sell to have no money.

    Failing to understand why it is failing, rather than lower prices Corporations messed up and raised prices. They were trying to make up the differences in the profits after the losses in sales. Only problem is, the Middle Class has NO MONEY. They cannot afford it even at the original price, much less the raised prices. So sales dropped even more.

    With lower sales, the corporations lost money, and kept losing money. Now they are cutting jobs in an effort to make enough of a profit to keep existing. With fewer jobs, the Middle Class now has no jobs to make money to buy more; so this job cut by the corporations are making things even worse.

    When we went to Bush to ask for an explanation, he did what he always does. He didn't accept responsibility, though it was his. He didn't say how he would fix it, though it is also his responsibility. He did what he always does--he found a scapegoat.

    He found that scapegoat in illegal immigrants. He yelled, "they took your jobs," and we fell for it. Now we are distracted and Bush can continue to take money from corporations to continue policies that they believe are helping them by cutting their taxes. They just don't see how badly it is s******g over their customer base.

    So no, we probably won't find a solution to the illegal immigration problem; but then, we don't really need to. We need to find the actual problem, Bush and his economic policies, and hold him accountable for fixing the situation.

  6. First, there are plenty of people already in Canada. I came to the USA from there. Canada has as many people as California.

    But if you seriously want to stop illegal immigration the government just has to enforce the laws already on the books against hiring illegals. And if there were no jobs here for them, they will not come and the ones here already will self deport themselves. But this will require Republicans going and punishing business owners, who are also mainly Republicans.

  7. there is no way to solve it until the government starts seeing it as a problem and until they WANT to stop it instead of trying to avoid it.

  8. They already are moving to Canada by the droves, but not just from Mexico. Anyway what be the point putting up a website that is so defeatist?

  9. Make fidel and chavez the rulers of the usa. People will run on water to escape !

  10. Yes it can be solved and yes there are solutions:

    1.  Protect and defend our borders through all means necessary.

    2.  Punish, fine and if needed jail uncompliant and unscrupulous US employers.

    3.  Cut off access to all infrastructure to illegal aliens (education, healthcare, etc.)

    4.  If arrested, mandatory fed'l jail time prior to deportation.  1 year first offense, 10 year second offense, and life in jail for the 3rd offense.

    5.  After jail, DEPORT Deport deport.

    Trust me.....if we focus on numbers 1-4, then they will self deport and #5 wont be necessary.

  11. Well theres one solution, you can move to

    Mexico, because there you will see the


  12. Don't need a website for common sense:

    Secure border

    Remove jobs magnet

    No access to social services

    Prison for returning after deportation

    Prosecute employers that hire them

    Make the Oklahoma and Arizona laws national and they will self deport.

  13. The solution is simple since most illegals are Mexican:  The U.S. should have open borders with its neighbors, Mexico & Canada.  

    If a bear walked in your back yard, deporting it only works if you can send it far away.  Would it work if you just deported it next door on your property line?  Likewise, deportation doesn't work if you can only deport to the U.S. border with a huge wage gradient pushing Mexican workers back north.

    The U.S. has a special relationship with both countries.  The U.S. stole 1/2 of Mexico.  Canada remains the only big thing the U.S. lost in revolting against Britain.  Integrating Canadian workers into the U.S. might lead to Canada joining the union.

    Americans are not against illegal immigration.  I mean if Americans really really believe the original inhabitants should decide everything, then their ancestors would have gone back to England to humbly apply for visas and Green Cards from the Indians.  What Americans really believe in  is nations only have immigration rights they can defend, so there is no point in preaching to the illegal Mexicans to go back to Mexico to be "honest."

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