
No sunspots whatsoever, is that a certain sign that we are on the brink of a new ice age ?

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Periods of global warming are supposed to last about 10000 years. Are we at the end of a cycle ? Is an ice age on the horizon ? Or is it to soon to make such an assupmption ? How reliable are the major cycles the world goes through ? How probable is it that after X years we face a new ice age ? Are those cycles as reliable as the summer winter cycles, so that we can say another ice age will be overdo soon and coming sooner or later ?




  1. If that was the case then global warming is yet another hoax.

    Before any ice age occurs, we canadians up in the northern tropics will freeze first. That'll be an omen.

    Besides, we've just had a rigourous winter with temperatures sharply falling and then sharply ascending, to then hit a thunderstorm wednesday. It was awkward.

    I dunno about any ice ages. Man appeared over 10000 years ago and never lived through an ICE age. Man would die if it was the case.

    Last point: The dinosaur age was the hottest era the Earth's ever hit, and it was just before the Ice Age with mammoths.

    Conclusion: This is highly probable, though I wouldn't believe we're close to freezing our nuts off, with all the pollution in the world.

  2. We're in a sunspot minimum.  In about 4 years, we'll reach a maximum, and you'll see sunspots again.  But during most of the Sun's 11 year period, you don't see many, if any, sunspots.  This is very common.

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