
No symptoms during 2WW but still ended up with positive HPT?

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Has anyone gotten pregnant but had no symptoms what so ever during the 2 week wait before they could test?





  1. hi. Congratulations! I had a positive HPT but had no symptoms. I am 6 weeks now still do not have any symptoms. ALL THE BEST

  2. Yep.  I tested on the first day of my missed period, not at all thinking I was pregnant.  I only tested because my birthday was that coming weekend and I wanted to make sure I wasn't before I drank alcohol.  And low and behold it was positive!

  3. I tested the day before my period was supposed to start and it was positive. I didn't have any symptoms until a day or two before I tested and they seemed like PMS so I thought I was starting my period. I didn't have implantation bleeding/cramping like some women say they have. I don't think everyone gets symptoms in their 2ww. Congrats on the pregnancy!!!

  4. I never had any symtoms until I was 8 weeks pregnant. And that was only morning sickness and that's all I have had so far nothing else.

  5. Yep!  With my first pregnancy I NO symptoms at all (except for a missed period) until I felt movement.  No nausea, no tender b*****s, no cravings or aversions...nothing.

    With my current pregnancy, I had heartburn and eventually nausea that started around 8 weeks.

    Good luck!  Hope it's a BFP for you!

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