
No way!? Online poker is illegal?

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I just discovered that Online poker is same illegal in WA then having under-age s*x and DUI. Wtf? That is the most BS thing I've EVER HEARD! So when I will get busted on playing poker at online, then I will go to the jail? Biggest Laugh ever. I've never heard so stupid law. Why is it so? Because Native-Americans owned casinos doesn't get enough profit and money and some Casino owner had contacts in Washington State Government who passed that law? And anyways how they will find out if I am playing at online in Europe Poker server? They start spying on my or my computer? That pisses me off because I'm originally from Europe and I play in Poker servers/sites which are located in Europe but I thought it is legal in US too(well it is but not in my state).




  1. You are correct, it's total BS.

    I don't think it has anything to do with Native Americans.  I think it is just right wing conservative Christian types who end up in power and try to legislate against 'sin.'

    All that said, there isn't much interest in enforcing such laws.  So I wouldn't expect the police to come knocking any time soon.

  2. Yup, you live in a state that has specific laws against online poker. And in your state, Washington, it is actually a FELONY!

    And it is absolutely ridiculous to equate online poker with that level of criminal activity. This just creates more disrespect for the law, and lawmakers.

    You can take action! Join the Poker Players Alliance!  Here is a link:

    Good luck!

  3. yeah i would say that's BS

    my suggestion would be to do absolutely nothing, i'm pretty sure you're not gonna get arrested or anything drastic.

    or if you really want to be at ease just move somewhere else

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