
No weight loss after baby, and not hungry!!help me?

by  |  earlier

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i had my baby a month ago, i weighed 200 at the end of pregnancy, pre pregnancy weight was 135. ive lost 25 lbs so far, but that was water and the baby, placenta etc.

im not hungry at all!!!!i eat just because i have to, its like i eat some chicken breast and oatmeal and thats it. im so active now that the baby is here as well.

i breastfed and suplimented the first 2 weeks, then i was only gettin out an oz at a time, and stopped.

why didnt i loose anymore weight in 3 all came off the first week




  1. You need to try and exercise more.  It will raise your metabolism and the pounds will begin to come off.  Also, exercise will improve your appetite.

  2. The problem isn't about what you're eating (or not eating). During pregnancy, your ACTIVITY patterns change.

    After your baby is born, you have different priorities, and these change the pattern of your activities again.

    Breastfeeding helps weight loss (and reshaping) because making milk uses up energy. The amount of milk you were producing wasn't enough to burn much energy, or stimulate your appetite.

    You are probably sleeping whenever you get the chance to fit some sleep in; that won't encourage your body to burn fuel. At times when you feel particularly stressed or emotional, you could try beating up a punchbag (or well-padded armchair). This will get some adrenaline going, and help you to get things 'out of your system'. It will also make your appetite increase, so that you take in more fuel.

    Having more energy available will make it easier to fit some vigorous exercises in, and these will kickstart the reshaping process.

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