
No women Pres. or V.P.'s allowed?

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I don't recall any where near the trash talk about Biden. What's the deal? I thought Dems were more open minded than this. What happened to compassion?




  1. So what do you want us to do vote rep just because there is a woman involved . Hey great idea s***w the economy we have a woman vice president . Dont worry about losing your home as long as there is a woman vice president . WWIII No problem we have a woman vice president . s***w it all for the love of a woman . You got to be out of your mind  

  2. My eyes have been really opened this past week with the democrats.

    Women's right to choose?  boy, they're contradicting themselves on this one big time.  Apparantly, they're just pro-abortion, not pro-choice.

    apparantly, their only open-minded to those who only agree with their view.

    I watched some of the rioting going on before the RNC yesterday, and I can't beleive how just down right cruel and unsensitve liberals are.  I just don't think they were that bad, until this week.  So sad...

  3. Compassion. Don't compassionate conservatives have that all wrapped up?

    I have these issues with Palin:

    1. Opposes all s*x education except abstinence only. We see how well that worked for her family.

    2. Doesn't believe human activity is responsible for global warming. Must be SATAN!

    3. She's anti-American - in the 90's she belonged to an Alaskan secessionist group that wanted to take Alaska out of the union. That's called treason. We fought a civil war over it, but no surprise since her politics and those of the rebels are very close.

    3. She's a Penetecostal. I think anyone that thinks the choking and gagging and babbling of "speaking in tongues" is a divine revelation is too stupid to be president.

    4. She's a liar:

    a. Contrary to her first public speech as a candidate for VP, she's on the record as for the "Bridge to nowhere" and only declined the funding after it became a national laughingstock.

    b. She hired a lobbying firm to collect up $27 million dollars in federal earmarks for her little town of 6500. She's hardly a maverick reformer.

    I don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the better qualified GOP women.  This is McCain's groveling to james Dobson and the Christian Taliban.

  4. Relax. It's ok to be sexist this time around so the black guy can win. We will give it to a girl in the future when we feel like it.


    The Media

  5. I would have happily voted for Hilary and would love to see a woman POTUS or VP.  The right woman.

    Sarah Palin presented herself as a hockey mom and put her own family in the national spotlight by accepting this nomination at this time in her life.  Honestly, I don't think the timing is right for her.  I think she has some family issues that need both her and her husband's attention.

    Biden's life is so boring compared to Ms. Palin's, don't you think?  I'm starting to wonder if all this scandal was part of McCain's big plan.  Lots of free press.

  6. Yawn..................

    ......................................... a life.

  7. as someone who was leaning towards voting for mccain i now am rethinking my choice.Its not because shes a woman but because of her inexperience in gov't. I think ms condeleeza rice would have beena much better choice

  8. I am a staunch die hard Republican, and am amazed that the Rep'lickens will have to deal with squeezing in this dumb broad this time.

    What in the world were they thinking???

    She reminds me of a lady that works at KMart in my home town.

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