is actually possible to forget about yesterday because obviously you can't undo it
can you really and truly not worry about tomorrow, really?
You are suppose to only think about the here and now, right
only the present matters, right
can't what you do or say in the present cause you to worry about tomorrow (ie actions that will cause you to get grounded or have you in court tomorrow) how can you not worry about that
what you said or did yesterday that is causing you to feel and behave they way you do right now( ie fight w/ a person that had you saying hurtful things)
i think this idea is easier said than done, honestly
and i'm starting to think this idea was invented for people who always seem to get into trouble or for people who worry excessively or those who view the cup as half empty( like marlin, you know who he is)
this is my opinion
what are your thoughts?