
No worries, is this actually possible?

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is actually possible to forget about yesterday because obviously you can't undo it


can you really and truly not worry about tomorrow, really?

You are suppose to only think about the here and now, right

only the present matters, right


can't what you do or say in the present cause you to worry about tomorrow (ie actions that will cause you to get grounded or have you in court tomorrow) how can you not worry about that


what you said or did yesterday that is causing you to feel and behave they way you do right now( ie fight w/ a person that had you saying hurtful things)

i think this idea is easier said than done, honestly

and i'm starting to think this idea was invented for people who always seem to get into trouble or for people who worry excessively or those who view the cup as half empty( like marlin, you know who he is)

this is my opinion

what are your thoughts?




  1. I think you might be referring to people who have actually achieved a state of peace of mind in all things. If this is so, then yes it is possible because I have it. It has taken a lot of years to get to where I am & there have been all sorts of difficulties along the way but I have at last arrived at peace.

    Getting here has necessitated a positive attitude - cup half full all of the time. This way, when the cup is full it is absolutely wonderful.

    It has also needed a very strong will & determination to go for the impossible dream with total commitment.

    I hope this helps. Best wishes on your journey. UK

  2. ok well i think it depends on a persons personality-some people get over yesterdays mistakes and problems, while others (like myself) brood and brood and worry over them for weeks after.

    i think you will always have at least one tiny worry in the back of your mind, even if it is extremely small. all humans naturallly worry and stress. i try to put everything in perspective so that i dont worry as much as i used to. if i dont expect anything out of life ever, i find i am a lot happier.  

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