
Nobody ever cared about this?

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Its a very long story..but I just need some help. Last year, I was drinking a LOT, and my best friend's parents are extreame catolics, and HATED me for it. They would come to school, and ask to see me, and verbly abuse me BAD. They would threten me..and say horrible things to me about my family and myself. Like I said, my parents eventully found out. They said to me, "Oh its ok honey! Its just a teenage thing!" They ask how much I drank, and I told them I drank like 10 bottles of alclahol..they were kind of SHOCKED. Then I said, "I WAS JUST SOO SAD!!" And they started screaming at me that I'm so stupid..but I was SAD and NO ONE CARED!! They never did anything about it. I was soo sad for months and months, and I was so suicidal. After they said I was so stupid for being "sad" I couldnt feel sad anymore. I am very depressed still...but I cant show it at all because I feel guilty!! Please dont say anything bad about me, I jsut hate myself and I had to drink so I could fall asleep actully and not worry about things. But what I'm asking is, do you think I should start drinking a LITTLE?? I feel that I have to do it, and I really cant live without it. I cant. But if i do feel horribly guilty afterwards, how do I stop that feeling? No one cares that I'm depressed, they think it cant happen to a girl so young. What do you think? I have the mental right to a little like once a week? And PS: My parents would never take me to a theripist. When my sister was suicidal (Yep, she was too) She went to her school counsler, and she had to call home for a meeting. My parents were so mad at her, and didnt talk to her for 4 months.




  1. Well that is really unfair of your parents! I understand you have a problem but drinking isn't the way to solve your problems, it obviously makes them worse. My HONEST answer to this is that if your parents are like you say they are, they are  the ones with the problems and honey, you can't change them. I would suggest living with a friend or family member and if your parents won't talk to yo then let them be mad, you'll be  the better person in the end! good luck

  2. Since it is summer time maybe you should go to a AA meeting because drinking that much alcohol might mean your an alcoholic...

    When your really sad right down your feelings in a letter to whoever is making you feel that way, and then burn it so then its like burning your problems away...

    Also don't drink at all because then that means your depending on alcohol to  cope with your feelings, and that is not the way to go, and how people get addicted...

  3. i feel sad for you, your parents i am sure love you but dont know how to deal with issues. you may need to seek help yourself. an adult you can trust. however drinking only makes things worse. and as you know you can take that drink, but your problem is still there. drinking is not the answer, you will just be a drunk with problems you cant solve. you are too young to deal with stuff on your own. hopefully you can find an adult you can trust. good luck.

  4. No, you don't have a right(mental, physical, emotional, whatever) to drink a "little" once a week. You do have a right to see a psychiatrist, though. And it sounds like you NEED to talk to someone. Drinking isn't going to help your depression and suicidal thoughts. If your parents won't take you to a therapist then talk to someone at your school and ask for help there.

  5. With your parents not taking you to a therapist, that makes it even harder. But you DON'T want to start drinking again, no matter how good it feels because it'll just get worse, and you'll eventually need even more help because you'll have a drinking problem.

    Can you talk to your doctor (just your reg. dcotor) about anything you can do to feel better, but ask in private, if you can.

    You shouldn't have to suffer, you need to speak up even if your parents get mad at you, which isn't right.

    You could also call the teen hotline number 1-800-400-0900.

    Good luck!

  6. I am so sorry you are not getting the support you need. I wonder if the Department of Health & Human Services could help you? You could call & ask if they know or have someone on staff that is a mental health proffessional. Or call your family physician yourself. Or talk to a youth minister/pastor at church. If you don't have a church you go to, I can't imagine anyone turning you away. You obviously need to talk to someone, or possibly need medication. What you DON'T need is to keep drinking...and if you feel this way now, you may be setting yourself up for a lifetime of alcohol abuse that will affect everything you do & everyone around you. I don't know your home/life situation, but as small baby steps that might help, start getting exercise..take a walk, eat well, get involved in something at school or church. I don't know how old you are, but it sounds like you need some good/nice friends, and to do some things that make you feel good about yourself. You can't change the past, all you can do is look forward & try to make good decisions for YOU. It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get back up. You are stronger than you know. Don't quit looking for help. There are people who care out there...good luck to you & keep your head up.  

  7. ur parents wont let  u go to a therapist if u suicidal!!!!!!


    thats like


    u should tell ur guidance counciler bout it

  8. Sweetie, you need help, and you need it very BADLY. If your parents won't take you to the doctor, or to a therapist, then you should call the local crisis center in your area ( their numbers are in the phone book) and ask for a referral to a counselor. As an alternative, you can also log on to and click the link for Alateen, which in turn will give you information about AA meetings and groups in your area. I urge you to go to one of their meetings, because there are people there who can help you, and help you work through your pain and find the courage to stop drinking. You are suffering from alcoholism, sweetie, and left untreated, it will only get worse until it finally drives you over the edge and kills you. I don't think you really have a true death wish- this question/letter you have written is a cry for HELP.

    Your parents and these so called "friends" of theirs are being extremely CRUEL and inhumane to treat you the way they have been. Alcoholism is a DISEASE, not a character or personality flaw, and both your parents and their "friends" need to get out of the dark ages and realize this. You already have all the classic signs of severe alcoholism, such as drinking alone, needing a drink to put yourself to sleep at night, wanting to take a nip to get you through the day, not remembering how much you drank, amnesia about other events which happened while you were drinking, guilt feelings, and the like. The depression you are feeling, and the suicidal thoughts, are also part of this as well. I'm especially concerned because you have said that your sister had a similar problem- and that she almost ended up taking her own life because of it. Clinical depression runs in families, sweetie, and it too is a DISEASE, in the same sense that the flu or a cold is a disease. I think that perhaps both of you have the same condition, and you have both experienced the same problems as a result. Left untreated, depression can be as deadly and dangerous as the alcoholism you already have- and yes, it can and often does lead to suicide.

    You need to speak up and talk to someone at school, or call the crisis center. The absolute WORST thing to do is NOTHING, because this is NOT going to go away. Alcoholism and depression ARE TREATABLE, and you CAN recover- but you will have to reach out and take the first steps toward this on your own. Tell your teachers, your coaches if you are in sports, or another adult you trust about this. I know, it's going to be tough to do- admitting that a situation like this is out of your control and that you need help to deal with it is never an easy or painless thing. But it's the only way for you to get what you need, and stop the pain for good. You are young and have all your life in front of you. Please don't throw it away.

    Good luck, and I hope you get help.  

  9. No, you shouldn't drink. Drinking can ruin your health, and in the end, it just depresses you more. You should find something solid that makes you happy, like volunteering, doing well in school, and being a good friend, instead of drinking which will not work in the long run to make you happy. It was a bad decision to drink, and you shouldn't make excuses for it. Go to your parents, and ask them for help. I'm sure they love you, they're just caught in the moment and so they lash out angrily. You might be able to go to Alcoholics Anonymous which is a 12 step program to help you quit drinking. Let your parents know that the program does not know yours or their last name, no one will tell what you say there, and it will help you to stop drinking. And you can go to the school counselor and tell her what your parents will do if they find out you've been seeing the counselor. She can just talk to you one on one possibly without your parents needing to know about it. It is important that you find someone to talk to, like a teacher, older relative, doctor, older friend, someone who can help discuss these things with you and try to work them out. Your parents obviously need some help too, they need to understand that you are reaching out for help and that talking to a counselor is not some big bad horrible thing. So first talk to them about AA. The number is in your phone book, you can call and ask if there is a weekly meeting in your area. Then you can go to the school counselor if you would like. Good luck!

  10. Alcohol isn't going to help at all because it's a downer; it'll only make you worse and more likely to commit suicide. When my mom took an overdose, she was drunk. She would've never done it sober.

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