
Nobody takes me seriously when i say im depressed or having issues.?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes i will tell *******(someone)*** that i feel suicidal sometimes, and that person will just call me stupid, or think im just talk, it just makes me angrier.




  1. Well many people have problems in the world. Everyone in fact and to top it off some of their problems outweigh ours beyond the imagination.

    The way you're coming off just seems like you're whining and want attention. It just doesn't evoke much emotion from many. If I were to talk about being depressed around family and friends I'd probably get slapped.  (Mainly because they've been through more **** than I could ever deal with.)

    Try therapy.

  2. I wish I can help the only thing I can say is, what is making you feel that way? you need to think of the positive and the negative things in your life and think what negative income is making you depressed ?-( I wish I could of been more help to this situation. Sorry.

  3. You can't just tell anyone because they wil laugh at you. Reason being, if its your friend usually they're joky or whatever.

    You need to tell a really understand person such as your family. If not that you need therapy where all the proper understanding people are because they're doctors and know the problems.

    It's better not done during work/school times. My time of depression only occurs in holidays because they're all long days with nothing much to do. I love travelling abroad but its the coming back bit when everything just falls apart

    I've been through a depression in my life and i didn't tell anyone for a few weeks and i cried when nobody was there and i cried about regret, death and i just felt awful. You're not the only one. Sometimes i feel as if i'm the one who is feeling the worst out of depression.

    My Dad found me crying and he really understood me because he was a doctor although my mum didn't because she didn't really understand the meaning of depression but at least someone understand and thank god it was someone from my family such as my Dad.

    after that he was supportive and it took me 2 weeks to recover and some times it was even worse but i got over it.

    It went through a few weeks at school but my friends understood. YOu need understanding friends and thats the most important thing or else you'll never cope with problems in life if you're family isn't there.

    I hope this helps! gd luck

  4. How about telling either your parents or your physician that you are feeling suicidal and depressed.  Then, let them know what steps you have taken to prevent it, and what steps you have taken to encourage it in yourself.  Let them know the times when the depression or suicidal thoughts become more intense and when they subside.

    Show people that you have actually thought about what you are saying and maybe they will take you more seriously.

    Otherwise call a suicide helpline, talk with a guidance counsellor or someone who is qualified to deal with such issues.

  5. I believe you there. I've been in the same situation so many times. Sometimes it was anger, hate, or even just confusion. It's aggravating when the person you confide in tells you what you feel is stupid, but think of it this way: They don't know how you feel inside. They just think they know you well enough to pass off your feelings. If you feel that way, don't let the idiot who puts you down keep influencing you. Tell them that you don't really want their opinion and try to find someone else to confide in. When I didn't have anyone I could talk to, I tried writing in a journal which was good for me because I could put down my words, how I want them, and not have to hear criticism about my personal feelings. Plus you can write down the reasons you feel that way. Try it, it might save you from something that's not worth doing.  

  6. Ugh, and it's especially frustrating when people say it's just  a 'hormonal thing' or 'just a teen phase'.

    I don't really know you're situation, but maybe you should try seeing a psychologist?

    Sorry if I didn't help much.

  7. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

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    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

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    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

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