I live in a duplex. I'm the only one home at the moment and no one is nextdoor because they recently moved so that's ruled out as an option. Not where the noises are coming from anyway. This is something that happens at different times throughout the day, just wondering what would cause it.
I often will hear something that sounds like something being dropped, a lot like when you're sitting with your legs crossed wearing slippers and one slips off and falls on the floor. That's actually what I though it was at first, my mom taking off her slippers in the next room or something. I really don't know what this could be, it's irritating. Sounds like it's in between the walls near a corner of my bedroom.
This wouldn't be the first noise to come from my house. Lots of other creaks from certain floorboards, and when someone walks through my parents' bedroom doorway, I can hear what sounds like scratching noises between our closets. Lol they don't scare me anymore because obviously it's just the house. Sorry for typing an essay!