
Noisy Knawnig Hamster?

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My hamster chews on the bars of his cage some nights meaning I struggle to sleep. I just wondered if there was anything I can put on teh bars to stop this please. ^^

I have already tried chew toys, he has buckets of them inside his cage all the time!




  1. try putting vinegar on the bars it won't hurt them and they don't like the taste

  2. Hi =D

    No matter what you do you can't stop your hamster from doing this. It is part of a hamsters nature to chew on things and they are also nocturnal so they will always be awake at night. You could try moving just into the bathroom or somewhere else more convienient for the night and move him back in in the morning.

    The only other thing i can suggest is to check hies teeth,to see if there causing him discomfort.

    Hope this helps =D


  3. Your hamster is obviuously an avid chewer of cage bars by what your saying and the best thing to do would be to change the cage to something which doesn't have bars and, this is what you will have to do if you cannot stop hamster from chewing... chewing of the bars can damage teeth as well as the rest of the mouth.

    If hamster has a specific place she chews at, try sticking something safe and chewable through the bars - if you feed those horrid sticky hamster sticks... try and put one of those in her way? Or, a wooden peg or similar... making sure everything is hamster safe.

    Does hamster have a nice solid based wheel and does she use it? Do you bring hamster out of her cage for plenty playtime? She wants something, hence all the chewing of the cage bars?

    Some hamsters will not be swayed and will carry on chewing the bars no matter what we do but I do believe this needs to be rectified... changing the cage to a glass or plastic type cage or tank would be a good idea.

    Best of luck!

  4. I tried everything! She woke me up every night! But in the end all i could do was move her, maybe you can build the cage up differently to make it taller but thinner?? and then it could be moved.

    Otherwise you could get an aquarium cage with no bars, these only really suit dwarf russian and roborovski hamsters though.

  5. ha don't buy a hamster!!!! i had one and there all the same.... i learned my leason after many sleepless nights

  6. you wont be able to stop this im afraid

  7. more exercise,do you have a ball or rotastack,hammies do this alot outta boredom especially young male hammies

  8. Try giving him chewy snacks (like seed bars etc.) to chew on instead or place a towel over the cage at night.

    Hope you get a good nights sleep soon! (:

  9. you wont stop this ,its normal,move  hammie in bathroom or another room at night

  10. Well hamsters dont really stop this so I recommend you get pieces of would they come in different colors so your hamster actully sees the but make sure they are from a pet store or the coloring could be bad for your hamster. If that doesnt work get a chew proof cage.

  11. LOLdon't think so. My daughters hamster actually ate its way out of a plastic/metal cage!!

  12. Years ago I had a hamster and reading your question has just brought back memories of it hanging off the little bars at the top of the Rotadex and chewing them all night. Basically, if your hamster isn't doing this it will be carrying out some kind of construction work all night LOL.

  13. you can buy some stuff from the pet store that stops animals from chewing there fur but I am not sure that its safe for hamsters I would ask a vet
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