
Noisy retired law enforcement officer who lives in my apt building!!!!?

by Guest63859  |  earlier

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I live in an apartment building. The walls are somewhat thick and I can not hear any of my other neighbors, but I have a noisy neighbor who retired in law enforcement. He is a bit strange and him and his wife always are in there apt. Is there any way he can hear what is going on in my apt? Is there any devices out there that he could use to do so? He makes me feel uncomfortable when I seem him and I have a weird feeling he knows what goes on in my apartment? I have nothing to hide but he very odd acting and he seems to know what goes on at all times with everyone and he is not the landlord or anything of that sort?




  1. I doubt that he is listening in on your apartment.  He, is more than likely, very observant as he was probably trained to be.  If you have nothing to hide, don't worry about it.  If you do have something to hide, move.

  2. i agree with c4urself

  3. he prob is listening creepy.  i would go buy devices (not that expensive) and let him see u bought them so u can let him know that u can hear him too.  if he gives u the creeps trust your guts.  im sure he is nosy b/c that is all he knows.

  4. Its easy to listen in to other apartments. There are many devices to do it and cops have access to all of them. Life teaches us that many police are actually criminals so be careful. You could  trick him by making up a story and if he listens in u could check. Like say you are leaving a package of "stuff" in a garbage can or letterbox and watch and see if he has a look. Paranoia is cool.

  5. He is probably very observant I mean he was in law enforcement, he is probably weird because he has seen dead people and stuff like that.

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