
Nokia N95 Maps now telling me i must pay, i have had the phone 5 days and maps worked for 3?

by  |  earlier

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keeps telling me to subscribe to the navigator for voice guidance, if i say no it doesn't work?

I am on a $90.00 and the phone says it comes with it, but now it appears i have to pay.




  1. You're on a $90.00 what? And what does that mean (or should) to the Nokia Maps application?

    The Nokia Maps application has some free features (i.e can show you you current position on a map, the same as Google Maps) and some premium features like the turn-by-turn navigation with voice guidance, a feature for which you have to pay a license fee.

    If you need the navigation feature you have two options:

    - pay for the license

    - install a 3rd party application which offers you the functionality for free (if you find such app ... and you won't)

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