
Nolan gone as Isles coach- matter?

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Doesn't seem to me that the Isles have a chance for the playoffs, so why rock the boat more? They must have someone in mind- but who? Unless it is Bowman, hahaha, I don't think this move will matter much. You?




  1. Not at all.

  2. Not at all, their only addition is Mark Streit and he can not single handedly help them make the playoffs. Plus with DiPietro being extremely injury prone and the loss of Dubielewicz, there goes their goaltending for a good 20 games this season that DiPietro will not be able to play.

  3. Stupid move by the Islanders, he was the best thing going for the Islanders. The '06-07 Islanders had no business being in the playoffs, Nolan single handedly took them there. As for '07-08, I'd say 13th is overachieving there leading scorer had 49 points, a measly 49 points.   Nolan wasn't the problem, big mistake.

    Here's to hoping he signs as an assistant for the Wings.

  4. The Icelanders just made a move to make them even more of a laughing stock. first they have a owner that has no clue of what hes doing. the GM is a back-up goalie that was hired like 5 min after he cleaned out his locker, (instead of Neil Smith) nice move. He also made that 20 year DP deal who will be lucky to still be playing a couple years from now with his injurys. Come on they even have a dragon for a mascot, that really represents the Islanders LOL

  5. The Isles are still gonna be a non playoff contender. maybe theyll hire torterella and he'll take them to the 8th seed or something.

  6. Huh...The Spitfires trade son Jordan Nolan, and now father Nolan is being let go? LOLOLOL...

  7. I think it will bite them in the butt.  I thought Nolan would be given one more season, similiar to Renney's situation, to improve the team's position. Dumb@$$ Garth Snow "the Milbury clone", claimed that Nolan underachieved, and Nolan said he lacked adequate personnel. I tend to agree with Nolan. Nolan didn't make that stupid Smythe trade, did he? Did Nolan sign Weight, giving the Isles three 37 year-old centers? Nolan was doing the best he could with what he was given.  

    I do agree with you about the playoffs Spaceboy, but they will still be competitive. They seem to have the Rangers and Devils' number at least.

    Btw, it won't be Bowman. He only seems to come in when a team is already established and ready to go to the next level.

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