
Nollie heelflip Trick tip?

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What do i need to do i tried it only 2 times and i keep poping it and hitting my thigh and it hurts




  1. practice getting a perfect nollie that is relevantly high and is almost as perfect/high as your ollies so when you nollie the tail of the board doesn't come up and credit card you

    when that's all done

    put the base of your front foot on the middle area of the nose so you can get good pop and put your back foot in front of the back bolts with your toes slightly hanging off the board

    once your positioned, pop that nose up and flick your heel off the corner of the tail

    then when you got a good flick, keep those legs up and your body parallel to your board

    and then when the board comes around catch it and land it

    nollie heels are not easy at all and will probably take a lot of practice and time to get used to flicking the board properly and then catch it when you hover directly over the board


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