
Nominations in South Africa?

by  |  earlier

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Bull mentioned in another question that the SA section is becoming boring. I agree.

How would you spice up this section to attract more answerers or participation.

What if we nominate a person in the clan to think of a daily theme, all the regulars must ask a question pertaining to that theme... just an idea.




  1. I also think it is a good idea.  Just that I also lack imagination when it comes to themes. Where´s turniton, he would also have good ideas.

  2. good idea. I was thinking this morning that SA section is getting boring. I'm in!

  3. I agree with Bull, each contributor should have a contribution... I like the theme idea, its actually quite great!!! Even have a regulars day... maybe ask questions about a regular. It would be nice to find out what insight (non harmful) regulars have on each other or what they're opinions are on each other.... have a Ferrari man day, so to say. Then have questions like, if he was left in a room with "look ma I'm famous" or what not... lol! (I've lost the plot... I'm sure there are better ideas out there)

    At least we have a white flag day, and props to Heavy ( think) for that... :)

  4. Sounds interesting.

  5. This sounds very interesting indeed!

    I like the idea of all of this!

    Let me know what's the final decision and how you'd like me to be contribute! :)

  6. Perhaps a gentleman's agreement that all contributors will ensure that they ask at least one question each day before answering any other questions?

    There are many answers and answerers but very few questions, that is the major problem.....


    Lise, I'm laughing while reading that you believe everyone on Y/A S.A. likes me :)

    I will accept the theme nomination though as it must be someone who is on Y/A Monday to Friday as I am........then again I'm not very creative.....perhaps you should do it......


    Ferrari - Let's first see if Lise is prepared to come up with the daily themes, she has a broader general knowledge than I do and I'm certain her themes will be more interesting than mine, if not, then I will begin with the themes proposal from tomorrow pm.

  7. I agree with the whole thing. I just think it is because every one is scared that there Q & A will be removed. The topic idea sounds great. We need to agree on a time that it will be available every night.

  8. It is becoming rather boring.

    Yeah I think a theme is a great idea. . . Lets also pick a topic from the news the night before which can be discussed? Maybe?

    I think that politics always gets the forum a bit hyped up. . .


    There's alot of ideas here. . . So when do we get started?

  9. It started, becoming boring when MJ started, attacking everyone in sight, and all the multiple aviators, confused all.

    I think that we should all agree to disagree sometimes, without it becoming personal and horrible.  I admit that since Alf, has done a disappearing act, and Zim gone, albeit all the intellectuals, it is actually boring.  Lets spice it up.  and a wonderful idea.  Thank you.

  10. Great idea. Let's get going!

    (Why oh why have people reported our most entertaining and interesting supporters? Alf and Zim belong here! MJ as well)

    I have never been worried about reports. So do you want me to ask the first question?

  11. Brilliant idea, lets think of something really exciting, like say we start with the Alpahabet. tomorrow is A day so tomorrow we can only ask questions about things that start with an A, eg. Alcohol, Art, Aambeie, Aardvarks, Audi TT. Or we can narrow it down, say tomorrow are car - day, Thursday is s*x day etc. It can become very funny, and then we must nominate some one, every one likes, like Bull or Heavy, and they should make the decision every pm about the next day?


    No Bull do not be such a chicken, you have been nominated and I 2nd Ferrari. What is the theme for 2morrow Meester Boel?

  12. good idea. perhaps we can have the good cop bad cop questions.

  13. I like the idea  -  not very imaginative myself , but looking forward to what the regulars will come up with   -  can guess a few............i think (^_^)

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