
Non-Americans: What are your thoughts on the U.S. possibly getting a Black First Family?

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  1. I honestly don't care so long as we don't get dragged into another illegal war - that would be nice.  

    I hate all this first black person to do this or that rubbish.  Black people have been around long enough now - we are all used to them. They have as much equal opportunities as anyone else so if they want to succeed - they can.  Colour should never be an issue but clearly, some people just continue to want to make a deal of it.

  2. there's no way obama's going to win.

    just accept it.

    black, white, or purple, the guy is a complete idiot.

    keep it sane, vote mccain.

  3. I hope it happens i think it can be a positive thing for the USA and ultimately the word

  4. Why not? I think that when it comes to it though the institutional racism in the U.S will not allow it to happen, I am amazed and impressed that he has got this far. I don't know much about his politics because he seems very vague when interviewers try to pin him down on specific issues. He would hardly be replacing an intellectual giant though, he couldn't do a worse job than Bush!  

  5. I don't think it will come to pass. I believe Obama will do a real nose dive in the next few weeks.

    If it were someone like Colin Powell- I would be jumping for joy.

    But as it is- I'm voting for McCain. Obama has made far too many mistakes with his mouth and his actions for me to believe in him. Besides that- he and his wife are racists. Thats what we have been fighting against for the last 50 years -since before I was born. I will not vote for what I stand against.  

  6. just like the Olympics you hope America won and they did . now you hope McCain will become president and obama not and it WILL. !! JUST HAVE PATIENCE.  

  7. Honestly doesn't matter a thing to me.  I'm not really into poly(many) ticks(parasites).

  8. What a beautiful family :D

    This possibly is going to happen...I am sure this will be a positive thing!

  9. i dont think youll be able to handle it lol

    all the hillbillies will scream in rage

    it would be really interesting though

    but ive heard hes doing quite badly in the polls so who knows

  10. Overwhelming indifference

  11. Not going to happen

  12. May the best person get the job!

  13. I tend to believe that it will not happen, but you never know. I was shocked to see big banners supporting Obama in an upscale, predominantly Caucasian neighborhood in California recently. I NEVER thought I would see that.

    You know, there is a 50-50 chance that Obama will become our President. I just hope that if Obama wins, the nation will put aside its differences and support him, instead of spending the next four years spewing hatred and trying to get him thrown out of office... or worse (if you know what I mean). I doubt we will have to worry about Obama getting into any sexual scandals -- he doesn't strike me as the type of man who would succumb to something like that. Plus, his wife appears to be a "force." I also believe that Obama is a very intelligent and educated young man who will definitely be a warrior for social issues.  Because of his background, I really do believe that he will have a passion for things like education, healthcare and jobs for U.S. citizens.

    I have friends who worked for the government. Those jobs were supposed to mean "security." When the private sector takes a nosedive, the government usually remains steadier. Not so now. My friends tell me that everything started to crash for them when The United States went to war. Many people in government lost their jobs and were forced to early retire.

    I respect McCain for many reasons. I really do, but when I think about the economic situation in this country, I do not see how ANY leader will be able to turn things around without ending the war.

    ***Edit:  Sorry, but I am an American.

  14. cute family anyway its nice!

  15. The same as our own Government.I couldn't care less!

  16. It would a nice change..

    But I'd be quite surprised if Obama actually won..


    GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Black or White what is the difference, blacks came to this world just like whites. We all come the same way we all leave the same way, during our time here on the earth we show who we are regardless of what nationality, color we are.

    Bush and his father  are  white a lot of good he did for america ( its a joke)

    Anyone that you put on the presidents chair will do a better job than the current president. So relax hopefully who ever becomes president can fix Bush's mess.

  19. He is actually muslim, only 6% black.

    The democratic party has filed a lawsuit against him with proof that that his birth certificate was forged and he was actually born in Kenya, because his mother was too far along in pregnancy to travel to Hawaii to give birth.  He is listed as being born in two Hawaiian hospitals.  His mother, there for cannot claim him as an American because of her age when she had him.

    He is also a dual citizen with Indonesia where school records show when he attended he was born in Indonesia, and Kenya, where he was born.

    I think once the American public opens their eyes, and see the lies and things Obama is trying to hide, they may not want him after all.  Hillary would have stood a better chance.

  20. Maybe it is the "land of the free" after all.

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