
Non - Christian Americans: What steps are you taking to ensure your country will remain a secular state?

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From an outsiders point of view and living in a non-religious country myself and others have been watching the political and Christian circus that is playing itself of in America in amusement.

However it is becoming frightening how influential these extremist Christians have become in politics. It seems that everything in America is based on a belief in a Christian God these days.

How absurd to see all the presidential candidates proclaiming their Christianity in order to score votes. In our society religion is practiced in private and no one interferes or talks about it so blatantly and openly as some Americans and the Politicians do.

How can a competent government be selected on the basis of ones religion? I fear that Barack OBama will probably also not be selected due to alleged muslim ties.

When you look at court cases and bills passed in your government it is filled with religious statements and even in schools the children are being indoctrinated to learn ID and other ridiculous things.

We can go on about this for a long time

The question is, my dear fellow non believers, What are you doing to stop this insanity. Do you think your country will end up a Christian state like some of the Muslim States in Arabia with strict Christian laws.

When I read some of the comments of American Christians it seem quite plausible that the media is not overreacting about the rise in the religious right and the possibility of them taking over every aspect of America today. It is also strange that such a Christian country is so violent and intollerant. Doesnt it say a lot about the Christians in that nation ?




  1. I vote for people that are not religious.

    It's hard to find many of those here in Alabama, right in the middle of the South.

  2. I second to the first post and everyone, who is fed-up with almost a theocracy.

    It is sickening, that country with such an great scientific record is infested with fundamentalists trying to inject the law of middle-ages goat herders.

  3. RIGHT ON! I totally agree with that.  Where do you live? I wanna go there. hahaha

  4. "Taking over every aspect of America today"? Please give examples, Mr. Paranoid. Last time I checked, even the Boy Scouts were being evicted from public buildings. Please give even ONE example to justify your fears.  

  5. The Westboro Baptist Church has an agenda already... Our next VP will certainly persuade our next president of the USA the way he ought to go... BTW.. McCain couldn't take his eyes off her a*s*s during the announcement!  It goes to say that Christians have plenty of elbow room to dictate policies...

  6. By spreading the truth:

    Both McCain and Obama are pawns for the New World Order.

    Both will follow Israel and the UN rather than the Constitution

    Both are puppets that believe in pro-war (Obama's 16 months is a fallacy. Proof: US and Iraq already made a timetable to not withdrawal until 2011. Read it and weep).

    Both want war with Iran.

    Both lied about Georgia-Russian conflict.

    Do not vote for either candidate, if anything vote Ron Paul

    To everyone else

    Freedom is slavery

    Enjoy your slavery.

  7. Have you noticed your foul name?  This is not a secular country.  This is a free nation that gives the right of religious freedom.  We do not want government telling our churches what to do or say or how to act.

    The majority of people in the USA profess to be Christian as our forefathers professed to be.

    Atheism is doing a good job of trying to divide this nation.  Islam is doing a good job of trying to take over this nation.  

    But those whom God sets free are free indeed and I put my Trust In Almighty God.  The USA is only a Great Nation because they have a Great God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose Son is Jesus the Christ our Lord and Savior.  Praise His Holy Name and God Bless America.

    It always takes someone who doesn't live in America to tell Americans about their country's history.  I come from a long line of Americans and I know American history.  America has been invaded by people who wish to destroy America and it is not the American Christians who are destroying America.  It is Secular Humanism and Atheism which refuse to live by the laws of God and who wish to continue their sinful lifestyles.  This group is the downfall and the great division that has happened to America.  This godless group are doing everything that they can do to divide this nation and bring it down.  The Republicans and the Democrats are letting them do it piece by piece.  It is like leaven that leavens the whole loaf of bread.

    The spiritual life-blood of the human race is the Word of God.

    It brings salvation:  "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God..."  (1 Peter 1:23)

    It produces faith:  " cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God"  (Romans 10:17)

    It produces spiritual growth:  "...desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby."  (1 Peter 2:2)

    Jesus Christ said in John 6:63,  "...the WORDS that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE."

    God doesn't hate Sweden.  God loves all people, but God does not tolerate sin and He doesn't tolerate wickedness touching His anointed.

    Wickedness touched Moses and God opened the ground and swallowed a few hundred people.  

    How does a Christian vote for a man who votes to allow women to kill their unborn children?  God says, "do not shed innocent blood."  God says, "life is in the blood."  If life is in the blood, then life begins at conception.  God said, " I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb."  Christians are to stand against evil; we are not to promote evil. For the first 200 years of this nation we had no abortion.

    Sin causes a fatherless generation and we have a fatherless generation of young people in America.   God said in the latter days man would call evil good and that is what we are doing in this world today.

  8. We must rid our government of the ignorance of fundamentalism.

    Vote the fundies OUT!!!

    Do all you can to get people to go to the polls and vote.

  9. Whenever possible I try and educate the Fundies that government enforced/controlled religion is bad for them, too.

    They do not seem to listen though.

  10. Some days I'm on the verge of leaving this place.

  11. You did not mention from where you hail ?? and just to let you in on a little secret, this is OUR country !! What is there to laugh about ? That we can stand up and say anything we please with out retribution ? that we are free to VOTE our officials in ? That we can go to public or private school ? I LIKE the thought that I can choose who is in our government and runs the country.. I LIKE that we can VOTE for or against certain things that will or will not happen..... I LIKE the fact that we can stop on the street corner and talk about God if we so choose..... I LIKE knowing if my politicians do or do not believe in God...... In some cases it does not matter, in others it does !! We are violent and intolerant ? Please do tell ?? I thought it was good ole America that come to Europes rescue during the Great Wars ??? Don't like America ? Then please do NOT call out to us when your trouble !! Do not whine to us that you need our help !!! We are just so intolerant that we have people coming to our shores by the thousands every day !!! We are so violent we have riots in our streets ALL the time !! sure thing , NOT !!! Do NOT knock what you do not know !! America is NOT perfect, nor anywhere near , but I would rather live here in imperfection than live any where else in the world !! You step on America I get a little tiffed !! Step on your own countrys' wrongs and do NOT worry about us !!! go in peace..... God bless

    *edit* - Sweden, a very beautiful country, but isn't the country that TELLS you what you can and can NOT name your own child ?? or am I mistaken ???

  12. I strongly agree. Quite a strange person, that one (I'm reading your additional details.) Insulting, even. Huh. And, yes, the whole god thing is going to far. I fear what will happen in a few years. America is extremely similair with what Germany was like before WWII. Trust me on this. Another Holocaust is possible.

  13. Many  American,s  know  God  and his  Son  Jesus

      and we proclaim  it everywhere,

      If  not  for the Christian  input,  our  Goverment would

      become  like  the  heathern nation,s  that  do not  believe

      in God,and that  would  be a  great  shame.

  14. I add my voice to the growing list of people who feel it is imperative that anyone who idenfies themselves as fundamentalist Christian be removed from office.

  15. For starters, I won't be voting for any Republicans and very few Democrats.  

    If fundamentalist Christians manage to seize control of America's government, it will mean war -- a violent bloody revolution that will continue until America is again a secular democratic republic.  If that means thousands of traitorous churches must be burned to the ground, then so be it.  If that means thousands of traitorous ministers must receive the same treatment n**i collaborators received from the French underground, then so be it.  The principles of the US Constitution are far too valuable to allow them to be distorted by fools who are so obsessed by their superstitions they cannot appreciate the blessings of liberty for all citizens.

  16. I vote, I'm also a member of FFRF.

  17. Yes, keep Church & State separate, for everyone's good.

  18. I share your concern, and in fact I think it's clearly the biggest threat to the U.S. I often worry that I've already gone too long without taking decisive action, and that one day we'll wake up to be told that the U.S. is over and we're now a Christian nation instead, and it'll be too late to do anything about it.

  19. Vote in secular/liberal politicians.

  20. tee hee...we are salt and light and without us (Christians), people will die....we will never go away and will never stop praying for you.  ;)

    peace and love to you all!!!

    Indy, the Christian Tuna Slayer!!

  21. Got a proper mob forming up here..!

  22. I'm voting...

    I belong to a secular humanist group that researches and reports secular and religious trends in the country.  

    I belong to Americans United for Separation of Church and State...

    I actually think Bush's two terms have stuck a fork in the heart of the fundamentalist movement in the US.  The pendulum is beginning to swing back the other way.  

  23. Isn't Palin a Pentecostalist?

    Next poster. The US was founded by people like Jefferson and Franklin who were highly dubious about religion.

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