
Non-Christians, did you know that Christianity was spread by the apostles of Jesus Christ ??

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and years later millions of pagans converted to Christianity only because they find the truth.

Anti-Christians DO NOT try to deny it this time.




  1. Yes that is true, but the belief system they adhered to was destroyed by the same people who brought you the current Christian belief systems. And the same people who started Christianity were the same people who were crucifying the "original Christians". These same people were the ones who hid the original manuscripts and destroyed anything dealing with spirituality that did not work for their new belief system, which was created to control, not to Enlighten.

  2. Actually it was spread because of Constantine and the Roman Empire, which was a very powerful people and government that took over quite a few countries, and with the threat of guilt, torture, and unholy death it was understandable that it flourished the way it did.

    Look at history and evidence. Don't be blinded by a single person.

  3. Again, evidence does not support this claim. Jesus is a myth, and therefor had no disciples.

  4. I am a Pagan; and like many millions of people on this planet, I DO NOT believe that the person you call The Christ was god-incarnate.

    You have no proof - all you have are words written in a book.

  5. they didn't convert they merged

    did you know that christians have killed more people in the name of god even though murder is a sin?

  6. There were different 'versions' of Christinity from the get-go so it was definately being spread by more than one person.

    As far as pagans converting,  some were changed by choice and some by threat and still others DIED for their pagan beliefs.

    DO Not try to deny it!-


  7. Many others converted because they would have been killed if they didn't.

  8. Did you know that early Christians often used violence to force people to convert?

  9. Oh's so convenient how you left out forcible conversion, murder, and pillage.

    Apparently Christians have always been likeable.

    And let's not forget when you guys did the Inquisition. What a hoot that was I bet.  

  10. You really need to study the history of Christianity. There were many reasons people converted to Christianity. There were definitely inducements to convert, both positive and negative.

  11. Yes, and it was also spread by churches that were not in apostolic succession, such as the Protestant churches.

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