
Non-car Quebec tourist tips? Landing in Montreal at P.Trudeau. Seek itinerary w/ photo opps/wine/cuisine?

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It's my 50-something birthday early June. My husband and I are trying to see lots in barely 7 days. We love great food and wine. Heard that Old Quebec City and Old Montreal are not to be missed. Foot exploring, where to go in these "Paris's of North America?"

It's a Wednesday to Wednesday trip from both Wednesday's are shot.

Should we do the Chaleur to the Gaspe Peninsula? As we won't be hiring a car, are there mass transit options that will work in Perce, Matane, etc?

If we have to delete one "old city" in order to get in some relaxed nature, which city would you edit?

How's the weather in early June?

Finally, pls. don't leave out any haps or must see's. I hate writing this, but as we're both in our "early" 50's.. jazz, classical music, modern dance and fireworks compose the limits of our nightlife.

Seafood restaurants you love?

Typical overplanning American, nevertheless, merci in advance.





    May I join you and your husband?

    Your trip sounds like it will be a lotta fun, even though I'm nowhere near my fifties, lol!

    You can't possibly choose between Old Quebec and Old Montreal - you simply MUST see them both!

    Word of unsolicited advice - in order to fully enjoy and appreciate La Baie Des Chaleurs, Matane, Percé and the Gaspésie region, you simply MUST hire a car! Your whole trip will soon turn into a complete nightmare without access to your own vehicle, trust me! I did that same trip with my folks many years ago (back in the late 70's) and it would have been a total disaster without a car! Why? Because the distances are simply too long! You'll be glad to be able to sit in your very own hired car on a long hot summer's day with the AC running, believe me!

    The weather is nice and warm in June, especially in Montreal - see for yourself!

    With a little luck, you will be able to catch a few fireworks during the Bensons&Hedges International Fireworks Competition held from La Ronde's Marina (local amusement park run by Six Flags) and visible from the Jacques-Cartier Bridge and the Old Montreal also!

    If you love jazz music, you guys probably have already heard of the Montreal International Jazz Festival, correct? Well, I think that's in July though. In June, there is the Montreal Just For Laughs Festival and in August, we got the Montreal International Film Festival (my favorite festival!) - not to be missed but you won't be in Quebec then, will you! Oh well. That's just too bad, huh?

    I love seafood too but I cannot think of any specific  restaurants besides Red Lobster - but that's American, right? You could try heading down to the Old Port and see what's there but if I were you, I would probably wait until you reach the Gaspésie region before ordering any seafood. It's gotta be fresh, right?

    Well, enjoy your trip to the beautiful province of Quebec!

    All the best to you and your husband!

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