
Non-christians what annoys you about Christians?

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a) Nothing, they are generally nice people, and its nice to see people with hope and faith!

b) Many of them don't walk the walk, or talk the talk. Practice what you preach man!

c) They just want my money and they don't really care about me.

d) They seem to be stuck in the dark ages. Hello it's 2008! Catch up with the times!

e) Everything, its a bit of a cult isn't it?

Any other comments? or other answers?




  1. I'd have to say (a) most of the time, but (b) and (c) rear their ugly heads enough to take notice.

  2. f) Your question is heavily slanted against Christians and not really much of a question (more like a backhanded rant).

    g) You are using generalities and asking us to choose which one to limit ourselves to.

  3. Most Christians don't annoy me.

    I do get annoyed by Christians who go on and on about homosexuals, ignoring the fact that over 90 percent of Christians have premarital s*x.

    In other words, they're condemning people for fornication while fornicating.

    I also get annoyed with people who use Christianity as an excuse for misogyny.  

  4. You can't catagorise people like that. Some Christians annoy me, some don't - but it has nothing to do with their religion.

    I don't talk about religion much outside of R&S


  5. f) They typically know almost nothing about their religion and the history of the church or its scriptures, and nevertheless, without evidence, insist it is exclusively true.

    g) Most know next to nothing of the Bible or how it came into being, haven't actually read that much of it, have made no effort to confirm the truth of any of it, but nevertheless assert it is God-breathed and inerrant because it says it is. And the complete circularity and stupidity of that line of argument escapes them utterly.

  6. q) The same thing that bugs me about atheists.  They both define everything according to a christian world-view.  Religion = christianity.  God = christian god.  Blah, blah.  Wake up and realize because its convenient doesn't mean its correct, from either standpoint.

  7. I like them as long as they are not tying to force me to follow the rules and guidelines of their faith.

  8. Mostly,  A.  But, I do know some who fall into the B group and I do think most established religions fall into the E group.

  9. Colette's answer made me L.O.L.

  10. I think of people on a case-by-case basis, and not really as groups. Mostly a, but Ive have people to which b-e would also apply.

  11. F) all the above

    I think you left that one out

    Love & Blessings


  12. they are flat-out hypocrites

  13. A) Christians are generally nice people, and its nice to see people who are also searching for the Truth ... don't you think so?

  14. That they always quote the bible, but then say you can only take certain parts of it seriously.  

  15. i don't know.

    not all are bad..

    i mean they can believe what they want but.. i mean god is so illogical.

    and some of them say oh go this god that.. then go against what the bible says.. i mean if your gonna tell people  wrong and whats right..

    they don't bother me, unless they try and tell me how I live.. then it crosses the line.

  16. They think they can do anything and just say "whoops God, forgive me. I killed a family" and poof! All their problems are solved and they go to heaven.

    Wtf? It's really stupid. I'd keep talking, but i'm sick, and i'm goin to bed.

    Thank you lord for keepin me healthy! -.-

  17. In real life, they don't much bother me.  On the internet, the constant "you're going to HELLLLLLLL  Nanna nanna boo boo."

  18. The constant lying and utter disregard for the truth.  

  19. I don't have a beef with Christians in particular, but as a whole sometimes humanity lets me down.  It seems like everyone would rather just keep on doing things the way they've always done it as opposed to think and question their actions and beliefs.  It's easier, but sometimes it means that people are jerks to each other just because they can be.

  20. They look at life and its meaning through binoculars with one eye closed.

  21. It amazes me.  Other than the wheel, it is one of the only ancient things that we still the utmost credence to.  Regardless to how fallible it is.

  22. Mostly a. But there always seem to be some b, c, d, e's mixed in.

  23. b.




    f.who cares

  24. Its not what annoys you about Christians, but what annoys you about God.

  25. You did not list what bothers me.

    Mostly it is the idea that believing something is true makes it true.

    Belief has nothing to do with reality.

    But when you ask if the know for a fact that god exists and Jesus is the savior they all say "Oh I know (note the use of the word know) that god is real and that christ died for my sins.

    Now if this statement is true then it follows that they should be able to prove it empirically because knowing something means just that, it can be repeatedly demonstrated for any willing observer.

    That makes their beliefs nothing more than subjective.

    Truth, unfortunately for believers, is objective not subjective.

    This really annoys me because believers think that they know things that they do NOT know and further they think that truth is what ever they happen to believe about the bible, god, Jesus, etc.

    Completely fallacious reasoning and absurdly irrational.

    This is a form of deliberate ignorance as far as I am concerned.

    I encounter few that are willing to admit that they only believe their religion is likely true, my experience is that the majority claim that it is true regardless of what the facts are.

    This is a form of obnoxious hubris, especially concerning what they call morality.

    But - c) and e) can also be added to the list because many believe the return will happen soon (cult like belief about the end of the world being nigh) and the organized agenda is all about generating new members to increase profit. asked.

  26. The Christians that annoy me are the ones that claim the end is nigh, yet refuse to give me their stuff.

    Seriously, why do they need it, if Jesus is gonna Rapture™ them away?

  27. what are you talking about peoples lives change when they except Jesus in their  heart.

  28. There is definitely some truth in what you stated. I, as a believer in The Lord Jesus Christ, intercede and stand in the gap, and tell you how sorry I am for hurting you allowing you to feel used, abused, and abandoned. For not living the way The Word of God tells me to live, and  for not setting a Godly example for you. I stand before God Almighty, and ask for His forgiveness, and young lady,I ask that you forgive me, in The Name of Jesus. Amen.  YOu are going to begin to see a difference in "the church". The church age is just about over. If you studied The Word you would know that we are entering the end times. Signs, miracles and wonders are beginning to happen all over the world. All HE ever wanted from us was, and is a personal relationship with Him. That's why you were created. The Father's love is without boundaries. Study His Word, seek out a true Bible believeing small church, even a house church, stay away from the larger ones, you already know what they are mostly like. May The Lord bring you comfort, open your eyes, and warm your heart. I speak blessings over you, inJesus name.Amen

  29. To me, every religion is a cult.  I know very few Christians that aren't either fundies, liars, cheaters or crazy.  I am sure normal  Christians exist, but they are few and far between.

  30. F) all of the above

  31. Christians are awesome. Frankly they are absolutely right. Only the Catholic ones. That's what I am.

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