
Non delivery of item!!?

by  |  earlier

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I recently bought a mouse from an online computer store which stated 5-10 days delivery, it has now been nearly 4 weeks and it still hasn't arrived!.

I have a confirmation email off them about the purchase and i have sent them 2 further emails asking them when it will arrive but as of yet i haven't heard back.

Please could someone tell me what my next step should be. Thanks in advance for any answers.

P.s. There is no contact phone number on their website




  1. contact trading standards if no joy contact watchdog good  luck

  2. Write to them again stating that if you don't hear from them within 24 hours, you will be taking it further,

  3. Depending on how you paid you should be able to get a full refund of your money.

    Contact your credit card company or paypal and let them know that you did not receive the item and that the seller is not responding to your questions.

    P.S. Never buy from a website that does not have a contact phone number.

  4. Complain to your credit card company.  They will usually reverse the transaction.

  5. Four weeks is a long time.

    Check with your neighbours - often they did arrive and a neighbour has taken it in for you.

    Also, try google searching the company name, there may be another page with their details on - some sites are difficult to navigate.

    If they had details of their courier, you could contact them directly.  

    Try emailing them again, outlining the problem and "cc" a watchdog group - they may start taking notice!!

  6. There should always be a contact number somewhere on the website, the problem is that some on-line stores hide the number, they don't list it on the obvious place.

    Just put their company name into a search engine, it should bring up details.

    Failing that, explain it to your bank and they may be able to re-credit your account which should prompt the retailer to respond to your emails.

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