
Non-feminist women: Do you consider yourselves "normal" as opposed to feminist women?

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Occasionally I'll see some of the men here say, "Well, normal women don't blah blah blah the way feminists do," or some such nonsense. I haven't seen much of this from female non-feminists, though. Do you think feminists are abnormal?




  1. I'm anything but normal LOL

    I think people from any group can be normal or nuts, depending on their actions/statements and objectives for joining the group.  An activist who stand outside of abortion clinics with signs can either be someone that passionately believes in a cause or a don't know this until you judge the individual based on their merit, statments, goals and actions.

    Feminists are no different.  Just because someone is calling herself a feminist doesn't make her a peace maker or equalist, and it doesn't make her the opposite either.  It varies from case to case.

  2. Feminists are applying the feminist label onto themselves. They're the ones differentiating themselves from the common collective by labeling themselves. Perhaps you'd serve yourself better by asking feminists if they consider themselves "normal."

    "Woman" is a fact.

    "Feminist" is an identity.

  3. I don't think feminist are abnormal,if they hate men in general and they think they are better than men ,Amen to that. I believe on equality and treating people with respect and dignity but I don't hate men. Vannili> The Non-Feminist Woman.....Live And Let Live!!!!

  4. Lol! No I don't! There isn't really a normal where people are concerned; we're all individuals with our own views and lifestyles, and I think it's very narrow to call someone else "abnormal" because they have a different belief system.

    If you define "norm" by statistical frequency, I think more women are actually closer to feminism than traditionalism.

  5. that's as good as saying feminists: do you think you are talented as opposed to housewives?

    it's just personal choice. Housewives choose to take care of the kids and family and the house, while feminists choose to work.

    Ask yourself: do you consider non-feminist women abnormal? Accordingly you shall realize the answer to your own question.

    Don't try to put non-feminist women in 'the guilt'

  6. No, I don't see feminists as abnormal.  I do see them as having different opinions than me a lot of times, but that's not really unusual for me.

    Actually, for me, knowing people who have different opinions than me IS normal.

  7. "Normal" is subjective.  Differing opinions do not make one "normal" or another "abnormal".  It just makes our opinions different.

  8. Not at all. I think the traditional women are a dying breed. That's really sad too!

  9. They just think differently! Yes, I think their beliefs are wrong. They think that they can do anything a man can do and such. But, when it comes down to it women aren't made the same way a man is and neither is a women. We balance each other out and feminists are ruining it!

  10. It's normal for most people to think they are normal.  Whether non-feminist women  generally consider feminists to be sufficiently different to them so as to justify categorising them as abnormal- who knows?  You certainly won't find out on Y/A. And isn't there a huge problem in referring to "feminists" as if they were a homogenous body of people sharing identical beliefs, when the reverse is true?

  11. Rio, your boyfriend asks you what to eat?

    and you wonder why people call you abnormal.

    after the drubbing that traditional girls have received over the last few decades from feminists they have every right to be annoyed. let the truth be known, they are stronger than anyone who forms their opinions by following some outdated doctrine.

    EDIT men are capable of choosing their own food Rio, that is my point. why have you chosen a person who cannot choose his own food and how did he end up this confused in the first place?

    edit, no, you are 5.2" and a girly girl, you want to feel empowered like your feminist doctrine has told you to be so you have chosen a very weak and feminized male who you can dominate easily.

    edit, and don't call him abnormal, he is a victim of feminism and he needs counseling.

    edit, is this the same guy who doesn't know where to put his hands until you put his hands where you want for him, is that just another quirk?

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