
Non-shed hamster?..?

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I have alergies to animals who excessively shed. What type of hamster has limited to no shedding?

Thanks. :)




  1. all hamsters shed but its such a tinny amount that you cant reall tell. if your just looking for animals that you wont be alergic to try a poodle (toy poodel standerd poodle or ANY poodle mix) Poodles hair is genetically the same as humans they are the only dogs like this. there hair continually grows unlike other dogs and they shed only as much as a human (which isnt very much). So unless you are alergic to yourself a poodle mix or purebred would be a great choice. I have a poodle mix and all my family mambers that are alergic to dogs, cats, you name it can cuddle her till the cows come home and wont have a single sneeze. If you have any questions feel free to email me!

  2. Most hamsters do not shed. I would avoid the Teddy bear type because they have longer hair but I don't think they even really shed. I used to raise Dwarf Hamsters and those do not shed.  They are short hair and are very good pets.
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