
Non-stop cleaning! HELP!!

by  |  earlier

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I clean.

I can't help it.

I have OCD.

I can;t stop, when the house gets messy I clean and don't stop until it's clean then it messes up again and I have to clean it. I stay up to like 3:30 AM every night because of this. In the day I'm to busy to clean. I just clean at night!







  2. In Arabic language this kind of behaviour is calling as " WASVAS".

    It is a bad habit needs to conntrolled or avoid.

    Control yourself and make a good dicesion to change the same.

    YOU CAN====!  

  3. go to ur dr and get med for ocd

  4. you could go to a doctor and get medication for ocd, that might be the only way to deal with it.  

  5. I'm just like you,

    but I'm not OCD :D

  6. its good to have a clean house, but staying up until 3:30 am isnt healthy. you should go to your doctor and tell him/her about this, he/she should reccommend a good medication for you. do it quick or your OCD will get worse.

    i hope i helped (:

  7. could u be pregnant and NESTING

  8. I would try yoga or some other relaxing activity. That might take away the stress and make you more calm.

  9. OCD is a serious condition but you can get a hold of this. You are in a massive pattern and need to break that up. If all day you can't clean you are reminding yourself that you are going to do it all night. What you should do is come up with some kind of schedule and make yourself follow it! Its like someone who needs to lose weight at first it is hard to follow a diet but after some time it becomes easier. So you schedule could be something like Monday and Thursday is laundry only! Tuesday and Friday vacuum, windows and counters only! Saturday bathrooms! This will allow you to clean but keep you from obsessing about doing everything all at once all the time. Doing a little bit everyday will keep your home just as clean you just need to make yourself believe that. You can do it!

  10. get yourself an OCD COUNSELOR...

    they help you threw this type of stuff!

    check your local listings, or contact your doctor and they should have no problem with helping you find a counselor!

    TRUST ME  i had a cousin that had OCD worse than that,

    she spent 6 hours re-touching the door!  

  11. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy or medication....your best best.  But personal experience......some medication has nasty side effects, while ERP doesn't.  The disadvantage with ERP is that it is hard to find a good therapist knowledgable enough to use it.  But IF you can find a therapist who will help you with it (exposure means FACING your fears), then consider yourself extremely lucky.  

    ERP is part of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). In a nutshell, it takes a lot of effort but is well worth it. It may involve hierarchical exposure, such as determining what makes you most anxious about 'dirt' or 'mess' and finding the things that make you least anxious first, then doing them. Example: You would clean until 2:30 AM (instead of 3:30) and gradually work up to stopping unnecessary cleaning. At the same time, you may use exposure imagery, such as imagining your worst fears, like DIRT in the house.

    Only way out of fear is to face it.

  12. You should concider seeing a councelor. They have great ideas about how to get around this. Talk to your doctor they can give you a refferal and maybe a prescription for it to help you with it. I have minor OCD but I know how you feel

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