
Nonchristians.. is this a reasonable conclusion on my part?

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After being on this forum for this long... and asking so many questions that concern what happened to me as a teen, is it reasonable on my part after looking at the answers and being told that I am going to the hot place by so many christians.. that they really don't care what happens to others who come in contact with fanatics of their religion and don't care about my rights as a non christian but only care about their own and then expect me to care about their rights? I am not talking about ALL christians here. A great many are good loving people but they are being drowned out by the nut cases, haters and fanatics. So I guess the majority just don't care? Is this a reasonable conclusion?




  1. Fundamentalists have the following items inside their skull:

    -a King James Bible (with some verses highlighted while others are crossed off with black sharpie)

    -a "Guide to owning a one-track mind" guidebook

    -a basket full of insecurity

    -two barrels full of irrationality

    -a sprinkle of insanity


    That's it.

  2. answer: Unfortunately, I think you might be right.  I think the key is looking past the majority for the few that have responded positively. Like finding the gem among the rocks, my friend.

    There are a handful of people that walk the talk, no matter what their religion is.  

    Like Ecter (who I haven't seen in awhile) and our late Debra M.

  3. Unfortunately, it is a fact that the vocal minority (aka fundies et al) drown out the majority of rational, intelligent people - who (it seems to me) are of the "live and let live" camp.

    Judging by the torrents of hatred that I see spewing from the fundies, they failed (abysmally) the teachings of their own "holy book"...

    1 Corinthians 10:31-32 "...Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles..."

  4. People are people.

    Mark 12

    30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'[f] 31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[g]There is no commandment greater than these."

  5. i would say that you nailed it...

  6. caring is too hard

  7. Yes, I'd Have To Agree.  Most Fundies Want Bad Things To Happen To Anyone Who Doesn't Agree With Them...

  8. unfortunately the ones who care are often reported until they leave (anyone seen uncle wayne lately?).

    there are a few left who are not judgmental and condemning (we know who they are).

    ignore the ignorant...they are not worth the effort.

    ((praire crone))

  9. To be fair, I don't think the majority of Christians are the way you portray them.

    On this site you have to suffer a great many extremist nut jobs. Be assured that they are only a vociferous minority although very determined in their purpose. That's why the atheists such as me fight so hard to counteract the absolute close minded and controlling attitude they try to bring to bear on society.

  10. I'm afraid so.

    If they treated everyone like people, instead of being jerks to everyone who doesn't share their ideals, this world would be pretty cool.

  11. That sounds about right.

  12. How often can we bang our heads against walls trying to enlighten these people?  

  13. If it were not for the grace of God, all would be condemned for being judgemental.  Everyone has the option of accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ's forgiveness.

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