
Nondiabetic...If I was going to test myself...?

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when should I test for it to be accurate???

And Please what is the highest and lowest it should be, at what times.





  1. If you were to test yourself . . .YOU shouldn't.  You should let a doctor do it,  There is too much possibility for confusion in someone who is not diabetic.

    But if you WERE to check yourself . . . .

    90-110 is NORMAL -- at all times.

    You reading will be high immediately after you eat, maybe as high as 250-300 at 15 minutes, especially if you've eaten sweets.  What is MORE IMPORTANT is that a non-diabetic should be nearly normal (less then 150) after an hour. It should definately be less than 120 if you take a reading 90 minutes after a meal.

    The reading will be much lower if you haven't eaten for several hours, so if you measure just before breakfast you MIGHT be between 70 and 80.

    IF your blood sugar drops below 70 you are considered HYPOGLYCEMIC -- not enough blood sugar.  YOU NEED TO EAT!  

    If your reading drops below 60, you could pass out, go into a coma, and/or die. EAT SOME CANDY OR A SUGARED SODA POP.


    Less than 60 -- EMERGENCY! Eat something sweet NOW.

    60-90: Hypoglycemic. Need to eat food ASAP.

    90-100: NORMAL

    Just before a meal: 70-110

    15 minutes after a meal: Anything is OK

    1 hour after a meal: less than 150

    90 minutes after a meal: less than 120

    If, after 90 minutes after a meal you are above 120, you should see the doctor for more tests.

    EDIT: There is a MUCH BETTER test a doctor can do.  This is called A1C.  This takes into account ALL the highs and lows over the last 90 days.

    NORMAL is between 5 and 6.

    If it is over 7, you need to be tested for diabetes.

  2. your glucose level is at its lowest first thing in the morning, no coffee, no water, nothing.

    it will be highest about 2 hours after eating.

    normal is below 120

    anything over 250 is very high

  3. The Fasting Plasma Glucose is the preferred test for diagnosing diabetes due to convenience and is most reliable when done in the morning. Results and their meaning are shown in table 1. If your fasting glucose level is 100 to 125 mg/dL, you have a form of pre-diabetes called impaired fasting glucose (IFG), meaning that you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes but do not have it yet. A level of 126 mg/dL or above, confirmed by repeating the test on another day, means that you have diabetes.

    Table 1. Fasting Plasma Glucose Test

    Plasma Glucose Result (mg/dL) Diagnosis

    99 and below Normal

    100 to 125 Pre-diabetes

    (impaired fasting glucose)

    126 and above Diabetes*

  4. Blood sugar tests measure how well your body processes sugar (glucose). Some blood sugar tests are used to diagnose prediabetes or diabetes. Others determine how well you're managing your diabetes.

        * Fasting Blood Sugar Test

        * Random blood sugar test

        * Oral glucose tolerance test

        * Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test

    The best is to have a sugar test with 10-12 hours fasting

  5. do not eat or drink anything after midnight, check your blood sugar before you eat or drink anything in the morning. this is called a fasting blood sugar and is the most accurate. Normal blood glucose should be between 60 and 100

  6. normal range-80-120mg.this is called fasting glucose level

    below 80 it cause hypoglycemia

    and above it cause hyperglycemia

    below level of 50 it can cause coma

    the value is low in morning.

    for accurate test u have to go in morning without eat

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