
None of the depression medications are working, and my therapist is driving me crazy?

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I've taken Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Zoloft, Norpramin, Vivactil, Effexor, and Parnate, and am currently on Surmontil (100 mg-blue/white capsules) (3 in the morning / day), and I still feel like c**p sometimes. I'm really talkative and hyper and than all of a sudden I just want to be left alone and die, like even before I started taking all the meds.

My therapist also drives me crazy, she is boring and I just want to fall asleep, nothing she says is relevant and she is like my 7th one I've been too. Sometimes I just see her lips moving and I go yeh, yeh, yeh, alright..because she doesn't ever stop.

What can I do, it's driving me crazy, I just want her to go away, and something to start working.




  1. Hi,

    If you have tried ten medications and nothing is really working, your doctor should refer you to a psychiatrist for recommendations.  They are the experts on medications for depression, anxiety, etc.

    It doesn't sound like you have a therapeutic relationship with your therapist.  It's not appropriate for the therapist to be focusing on herself and her family when she's talking to you.  The focus should be on helping you to gain coping strategies for your problems.

    You should tell your doctor what you just told us, and ask  for a referral to a different counsellor.  I admire you for having this much patience with your treatment to date.

    Start by being very honest with your family doctor, especially tell him the part about feeling like being left alone to die.  That's an indication that you are pretty depressed and discouraged.  

    Know that you are loved, and keep on trying.

    Best wishes to you.

  2. I know you've been to a million therapists, but you really need to find a new one. Your therapist sounds like my therapist, who I hate, so I'm getting another one. I'm often suicidal but I always stop myself before I do anything drastic by thinking about who would miss me and what I'd missing out on, even if I didn't even believe it. I hope you feel better someday.

  3. This is what you should do.

    Stop taking meds. Completely.

    Wait 7 years.

    Laugh at yourself.

  4. Well in some people a higher dose of drug is needed and some people 1,2,3, different types of drugs are needed and some need a less of a dose it all depends most drugs take like a week to start to work,etc.

    Therapist is trying to get u to open up! I know u don't want to talk about anything But u need to start talking about what u are feeling or let off some steam. Talking is the 1st step in getting out of depression and then working on what is really the problem - eating at u is next! Remember this takes time and u going to have to make the therapy work for u!  

  5. well, my friend believe it or not, i've something for you i would like you to go visit this website:- and click on training center and then look up on "Genesis and Ultra vitality." ready about it. and tell me what you think ,Ok?

  6. "I'm really talkative and hyper and than all of a sudden I just want to be left alone and die," - These indicate to me the possibility of a form of bipolar disorder, rather than depression. Antidepressants can induce mania, or hypomania with bipolars. It's time for a new therapist.

    See bipolar disorder, at ezy build, below, in section 10, and take the quiz, if unsure, and if the results are positive, ensure you get an EXPERT DIAGNOSIS from a mental health professional, not doctors, who are much better dealing with physical ailments, and don't diagnose complex disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder often enough to develop any real expertise.

              Bipolar disorder usually involves major mood swings, which occur without apparent cause, and often over many months, or a matter of years, rather than days, as with most people (unless rapid cycling). I'd take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements daily, replacing 2 of them with cod liver oil supplements in the winter months, (or, as probably a better alternative to the 2 cod liver oil supplements: 1 teaspoonful of cod liver oil, with a little butter, to ensure its use; I take mine on sourdough rye bread, or toast, covered with fishpaste, and pepper, to mask the strong taste). Those people who receive adequate exposure to sunlight, daily, won't need the vitamin D from cod liver oil, but many people, particularly those in latitudes far from the equator, find this difficult, to achieve.

             If you decide to use allopathy, (modern Western medicine) I recommend trying Lithium Carbonate, or Lithium Citrate. (regular tests are necessary, for these) before trying the other mood stabilisers, but if you aren't good at taking medications regularly, drinking adequate water, and keeping up your salt intake, something else, such as  Lamictal,  or Depakote, may suit you better. Check out "lithium"  at, and and always research medications first, (read, and keep the labels/information sheets) so you will be aware of the risks, and on the lookout for side effects. (Personally, if I wasn't bipolar type 1, and didn't experience hallucinations, or serious delusional states, I know I'd first try the orthomolecular, and Omega 3 fish oil supplements, vitamins, minerals; a herbal remedy, and a mostly raw food diet, for several months. Note: St. John's wort, and also antidepressants, may cause mania, or hypomania, in people with bipolar disorder. I'd aso eat in accordance with my "nutritional type". Enter that term in the searchbar at  

             If not considerably improved, after a maximum of 6 months trial period, consult your primary mental health care provider: you may be one of those who need medications to prevent this serious disorder from worsening.  If you have bipolar type 1, an antipsychotic medication may also be needed. Everyone should take the Omega 3 supplements, or preferably "krill oil" for its other health benefits: use the searchbar at . Some people refuse medication, using supplements, and a selective, mostly raw food diet (I do not recommended trying this, if bipolar 1, unless you aren't troubled by hallucinations, or delusional states).

             Maintain the treatments for the depressive phase, in section 2, at: see page R first.  Some topics in section 10 include: treating bipolar disorder with supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies (except for St. John's wort, which may cause mania, or hypomania).  As with all medications, there are risks, and the possibility of side effects, which is why I inform people of the alternatives, to see if they can cope sufficiently well, without resorting to medications or, at least use less of them. Don't use medications and supplements together, without medical advice, except for Omega 3, which is safe, anytime.

  7. sounds like you could have adhd, which can make you depressed.  i thought i was depressed because i had racing thoughts and i was sad sometimes.  then i got re evaluated and i found out i had adhd.  

  8. i suggest you get a male counselor who is like in his 20's so he doesn't annoy the s h i t out of you  

    depression is i hard thing last year i went through of few months when i was depressed mostly kiddie stuff tho it wasn't bad but i felt like c r ap

  9. You need to be re-evaluated for the meds that you are on. Something needs to change. Also look around, talk to people to see if they would recommend a new therapist. You have to be happy with the person that is supposed to be "helping" you through this. I'm sorry that you have to go through all this just to be happy, but good luck.  

  10. depression meds never really work, they're just for psychiatrists to make money, if you feel depressed take a walk while listening to some uplifting music, that always works for me, even when i'm sobbing like a maniac, just focus your attention on the music, and the neighborhood. Some bands that always make me happy are,

    the kooks, lily allen, and led zeppelin.

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