
Nonsense dream, any meaning?

by Guest61285  |  earlier

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I had a dream that i was in this house and it was flooded i was kind of wading through the water and i looked down and there was tons of dead mice and little animals like ferrets surrounding me, it was so disgusting, and i think it might've been in this girls house thats on my softball team, and her dad (my coach) was there too. Tell me what you think about this. Any translation?





  2. It means there is something about your softball coach that is off-putting to your subconscious.  Something your subconscious has noted but you have yet to pick up on. It may not be a big thing, just something that doesn't vibe right with you.  Stay alert.

  3. Floods represent an overflow of emotions and a postponement of success

  4. To dream of floods destroying vast areas of country and bearing you on with its muddy de'bris, denotes sickness, loss in business, and the most unhappy and unsettled situation in the marriage state.  

    For a woman to dream of a mouse, denotes that she will have an enemy who will annoy her by artfulness and treachery.

    My interpretation of this dream is that you might have some issues with this girl and you might lose your next game.  I always thought dreaming of a body of water and you're in it is that you are experiencing confusion about a situation currently in your life.

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