Noob:’s guide to popular Video Game terms and phrases – Feature
The world of gaming, just like every culture or walk of life, has its own unique terms, slangs and jargon, which vary from one genre of gaming to another.
Here at we strive to keep the average gamer up-to-date with the latest terminologies from the world of gaming, as well as exposing readers to a few of the older ones, just so the reader can fully appreciate the part these terms have in gaming
culture as well as their history.
Starting off with the very basic, the N-word:
While the word may sound like an inappropriate euphemism, it is in fact much, much worse. The word ‘Noob’ is derived from ‘newbie’; while ‘rookie’ would be a compliment to many, ‘Noob’ is not as encouraging but rather used when one wants to humiliate someone
The term is used when someone is playing poorly, as if he or she (there is no gender discrimination when it comes to the term) is picking up and playing the game for the very first time.
While it is appropriate to call an actual Noob a Noob, the term comes into its own and is used extensively when used against an experienced hardcore gamer. It is likened by many to saying the words, ‘Lord Voldemort’ in the Harry Potter universe but in a
much harsher sense. It is the word one does not say unless they are feeling really, really brave, and on some occasions extremely stupid.
Basically, if the reader was to call an established gamer a Noob, the response would be the same 99 percent of the time: a flurry of profanity and abuse.
The term is not English, or Spanish, or Latin or anything of the like, but a universal gaming rule, so if a gamer was to use it against someone who did not speak the same native language, the flurry of abuse would still follow.
Different games have different cultures when it comes to the demographic of players who play them and that results in varying tolerance levels to the use of the word.
In any of the Call of Duty games, especially Modern Warfare, the use of the term will result in a brief but intense swearing session from the ‘victim’, before things usually tend to return to normal.
Killzone is one of the games that has a large European presence on its multiplayer and using the term ‘Noob’ on Killzone multiplayer servers is a great way to learn profanity in a new exotic language.
One game where the word must never be used, if the player values their life, is MAG. The reason being that MAG’s online community is perhaps one of the most hard-core in the gaming world, as most of them have remained loyal to the SOCOM series.
MAG being a Zipper Interactive project, inherited the SOCOM fanbase and those fans do not like to be called ‘Noobs’ under any circumstances. Trust us on this one, it was a bad experience. Some of the players there will form a Vendetta against the person
who calls them a 'Noob'.
So that is a brief introduction to one of the first terms gamers will need to understand, both for offence and also so that they know how to respond if they ever get called one.
More gaming terms coming soon...
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