
Noooo Daddy Long legs are back! What do you think of them?

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They are like flying spiders with horrible legs! they creep me out :(




  1. I know! My window gets closed at 9pm now so they can't get in.

  2. oh my gooood!! *cries*

  3. I dont like them and i dont like killing them.

    But when they get on me or even get near me.....i have to drown them in water.

  4. I hate those things.  

  5. They will be in your mouth when you sleep tonight.

  6. hiya, i am scared stiff of them,i have not seen any yet.I'm in the south of england.were are you .i will have to keep my doors shut now.thanks for letting me know.i will be ready for them,with a tin of raid killer.

  7. thank yourself lucky they dont have teeth , they are meant to have one of the deadliest poisons on earth , but have no-way in inject it .  

  8. Give them names and invite them to tea.

    Daddy Long Legs are good for the environment. They kill all the gnats, flies and other small flying and crawling insects. It is said that if you have DLLs, you'll never have Black Widow Spiders.

  9. Our cat loves to eat them.

  10. Hate hate hate them, they remind me of school, a boy once put a handful of them down my blouse, i went crazy, stripping off in the school yard,  He got the reaction he was after, but i didn't realise that at the time..  I have always been scared of them.

  11. They scare me..... >:O  But... at least they don't bite me. :)

  12. i used to play with them all the time when i was little...i thought they were cool but now im scared of them because i found out they are the most poisonous spiders in the world...their mouths are just to small to bite you

  13. They don't creep me out.

    They don't bother me, I won't bother them.

  14. They're the only spiders that don't scare me  

  15. Hate em!!!!! when my sister was young she used to put them on the teacher then say "um, miss, there's a daddy long legs on you" and they would run off screaming.....she was so evil, and still is!  

  16. they r horrible.i noticed them in work 2day!! argh hate the time when they r about

  17. Why do people always call them daddy long legs when they are called crane flys!?!

    Daddy long legs are spiders,


  18. How bizzaar I saw the first one tonight when I opened my front door. I don't mind them its just that they just seem to drop dead everywhere. All I seemed to do was pick them up before my son found them and dissected them.  

  19. they freak me out, yukkkkk. Do you ever see the way the things go for the light and then just drop and its a sure bet they fall towards me all the time, i bloody hate them

    edit: thank you sooo much for that fredinbed :(

  20. Petrified of them. I'm armed with bug killer just in case..

  21. They don't bother me too much. I'm more concerned about the big spiders that seem to appear in houses in late September/October.


  22. eeeeeew! they r ugly. but mine dont fly! you have flying ones? aaaaah! haha

  23. lol dont bother me as much as the tarantula in the sink lol

    but if your really bothered just use spray, dont squish them and not bug spray there is a spray you can get that repels them, dont kill them

  24. no they never creep me out

  25. They're horrible - they are so stupid - I just wish they would watch where they're flying and stop flying into my hair or towards my mouth when I'm eating.

  26. They are horrible! Its like they are floating monsters! Yuck! Squish them!

  27. I'll be getting the Raid out! grr +D

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