
Norcent PT-4291HD Plasma TV help please!!!?

by Guest62287  |  earlier

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I'm trying to figure out how to make my Norcent tv compatible with my HTC cable remote? I can turn the tv off with the remote, but I can't turn it on! I'd really like to be able to use one remote to operate the tv instead of several! Any ideas??????




  1. Im not sure but try these steps and tell me it worked.

    Press CABLE and try to change the channels. If this does not work, try step 2.

    Take the batteries out of the remote, put them back in and try again. If the remote still does not work, proceed to step 3.

    Press the upward triangle button on the front of the set-top box. If the channel changes, proceed to step 4.

    Replace the batteries in the remote. If this does not correct the problem, the remote may need to be replaced

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