
Normal Symptoms [durin early symptOms*?] [5 weeks] feelin weird nOw . mOthers & mothers 2 be plz <3?

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okay so i found out the 25th [day of missed period] i was

pregnant i didnt get my period at all.. jus slight crampinng

not to painful... no bleeding. or spottin.. ive been havinqq

some discharge.. was usually white.. but the [30th] i had

a yellowish white discharge is that normal to have..

also yesterday the [2nd] i didnt have any crampin or anythin

i felt normal.. is it okay to feel like .. nothin... like not havinq

alot of symptoms on and off.. my b***s arent as sore as be4




  1. as for the yellow discharge as long as it does not burn or itch you should be ok, and cramps come and go through out you pregnancy as long as they are not to painfull or bleeding and spotting to go with it, and you symptoms may come and go as well as your body get used to being pregnant congratulations!!!!!

  2. yes it is completely normal to have a white/yellowish discharge. and yes its normal not to feel any symptoms or a change in symptoms. with this 2nd pregnancy i have basically felt no symptoms.

  3. I have no idea what the first part is asking, but as for the first need to see a dr.  Yellow or green discharge isn&#039;t ok, and is in fact a sign of infection.  

    Yes its normal to not feel any symptoms.  Some women don&#039;t get sick or anything, I haven&#039;t been sick.

  4. my symptoms are still on n off and im 12 weeks. lol. its a pain in the *** but its completely normal.

  5. Congratulations.

    Discharge is normal. It&#039;s called leukorrhea. You will have it throughout pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. If you have itching, burning, or the discharge is very yellow, grey, or green, see a doctor, it could be an infection.

    I didn&#039;t have any real symptoms until I was two months pregnant. Then started the nausea, fatigue, bloating, headaches, cramps......:)

  6. Some discharge can be normal after implantation because the Uterine Lining changes when implantation occurs.  White discharge needs to be checked out!  

    You should be feeling normal at 5 weeks the cramping from implantation should be about done and symptoms do come and go.  Don&#039;t expect any really noticable pregnancy symptoms until about 8 to 12 weeks if you get them at all, some women don&#039;t!

  7. Discharge is totally normal. White and yellow is fine, but if it looks greenish or smells funny, call your OBGYN because it could be an infection.

    Your symptoms are going to wax and wane throughout your pregnancy. Some days you&#039;ll feel on top of the world; others, you&#039;ll feel like you&#039;ve been run over by a bus. Enjoy the good days -- trust me!

    Good luck!

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