
**Normal for a Toddler??**

by Guest63690  |  earlier

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My son will be 2 in a few days. He has never and will not eat anything that involves a noodle (pasta..macaroni..etc), red meat (hamburger..steak..porkchop), no vegetable, fruit or potato. He only will eat chicken sticks..cereal..yogurt..cereal bars..snack foods (crackers..cookies). I will not buy any junk food and he still will be satisfied with basically living off of those things listed above. Ive even tried mixing some veggies into the foods he likes but he's not dumb and splits it out! I just want to know if this is normal?? He has always been this way. Im afraid his nutrition has just gone to c**p (excuse my language but its true). Also he will not drink water only milk and juice. I will try to trick him by putting a drop of juice in the water to make it look like its juice but he takes one sip and will go without. I don't care what advice you give otherwise I would not have posted so be my guest! Thanks!




  1. I was just like that when I was littler. The only thing I'd practically eat was pb&j and junk food.

    He'll outgrow it. Just speak to his doctor about vitamins.

    Good luck!

  2. I have a six year old that is still like this. He refuses to eat anything except chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, toast, cereal, roman noodles, and he will eat grapes. Other than that, he will not eat anything. He also will not drink water. I have asked his doctor about this and he has told me that it is very normal for a child to have so many dislikes. He stated that some children's taste buds have not formed to like these different things. He says to feed my son whatever he will eat and as much of it as he will eat. You have to understand that my son is six and weighed only 41 pounds 3 months ago. I have found that giving him pediasure, which is kinda expensive, but worth it, has helped him gain weight. He has gained 6 pounds in 3 months. That's more than he has gained in the last 3 years. Good luck with your 2 year old.

  3. Yes, it's normal for some children to be picky eaters.  It's also good that you keep junk food out of the house, but what about the things he's eating?  Make sure that the foods you listed contain no added sugar, preservatives, or high fructose corn syrup.  

    That said, no child ever starved voluntarily.  If you stop feeding your son the same things and only offer up healthy, balanced meals, he'll eventually try - and learn to like - new foods.

  4. My daughter is 2 1/2.  She will only eat mac-n-cheese, green beans, corn, yogurt, applesauce (sometimes), brownies, goldfish crackers, and cheesesticks. This is the bulk of her diet.  Last night, we had chicken parmasen, buttered noodles and green beans, and she would only eat the green beans.  Won't have anything to do with the other stuff. So I gave her some yogurt.  So, she had yogurt and green beans for dinner.  It's weird because she was never like this before, she'd eat everything in sight!   I don't sweat it and neither should you.  

    My older daughter was pretty picky too even as a baby/tot.  Now, she's pretty good about trying new things at least once.  

    With the juice, just gradually increase the amount of water you put in the juice.  Start off with the juice, top it off with some water.  Next time, top it off with water a little at a time.  He'll get used to it eventually.

  5. My husband will eat tabasco, limburger, whatever.  I cant stand the stuff.  I tell him that I have better tastebuds, and that his are so shot, he needs that stuff to taste anything.  

    That said, I think people have different taste buds. Even toddlers.  Theres research even suggesting tastes of kids are even developed in pregnancy and breast milk.  And also that it takes something like 30 times of trying something to develop a taste for it.  Like switching from coke to diet coke, its crappy at first, but you get used to it.

    So as for mixing it in, you almost need to do it where its undetectable.  So instead of water with juice in it, you could do juice with a little water in it.

  6. My two year old will try anything that he makes.  So I always have him help with something- especially mixing or using measuring cups (I measure and he pours it into a bowl).  We make a big deal about what a great cook he is and he will try anything he makes.  He doesn't always like it but at least he gives it an honest try.

    We started with bran muffins- that was great because it's fun to make (we use an eggless recipe so he can l**k the bowl) and it's healthy but looks like a cupcake.  

  7. I don't think it is normal for a toddler to refuse so many different categories of foods. My 3 kids have all had things they don't like, but not such broad dislikes. My 12 year old did not eat hamburger until he was 5 . My almost 3 year old does not really dislike anything...he actually likes veggies.You may want to contact your doctor about it. you may have to have him see  a specialist to help him learn to tolerate different textures and flavors.  Early intervention may be able to help you get the services he needs for free. I know of a little boy who basically does not eat because of muscle and sensory issues with his mouth. He sees a speech therapist and a feeding 3 years old he is still wearing size 18 months clothes. at the speech therapists when all the other kids are eating crackers and candy as thier rewards for progress he literally sucks the salt off crackers or licks a sucker a few times.

  8. my 2 year old does the same thing he won't drink water at all just milk and juice. he is very picky eater he won't even eat chicken nuggets.  

  9. Yes its normal for a toddler to be picky. You may have to offer him a food many times before he will even try it. I have taken care of many toddlers and I know it can be frustrating. Keep trying different items, he will eventually eat one. Keep the cookies, crackers, juice and milk at a minimum its easy for a child to fill up on these. Try watering down the juice to 50/50. Have you ever tried that flavored water? Some kids love it. Try mixing up a smoothie with while fruit and extra water to make it more juice like and tell him that it is juice. Oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar taste good. Bake zucchini bread. You can even make apple pie using peeled zucchini in place of apples. Taste really good and looks the same

  10. same with my 3 year old daughter cereal for breakfast ram-en noodles for lunch chicken nuggets for dinner jelly bread for a snack and that's about it

  11. He'll probably grow out of it.  Children go through picky stages.  I would suggest that you give him some vitamins.  As for the water, maybe you could freeze apple juice or whatever he likes into some ice cube trays, and then put the frozen juice into a sippy cup of water.  But he needs to be drinking lots of fluids since it is so hot right now.  Ask your pediatrician for advice if you have one.  Best of luck to you!

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