
Normal for headpain on the right side when your punched in the face?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if its normal to feel a pain on the right side of your head when your punched in the head/jaw

or does it mean my brains weaker or low on liquid or something




  1. LOL it's normal,, duck next time !!

  2. no but what it could do is cause a concussion. which will cause many neurological problems depending on the severity of the concussion.  

  3. forget the question did you kick he`s ***!  

  4. ;-c  Sure it's normal !! it might be possible that when taking a blow to the head .. much like you've described Might be a reason that your brain might be jolted / shifted to hit the sides or back of the  or dependong on the position of the body when a blunt force blow might be applied.. could  hit the cer-e-brum!?! specifically the back  or sides of the head/skull which could cause coma,brain damage or even death!?! So sure it's possible that a person would feel a sort of pain normally !! So that's a clue to go have it checked out !!.. Some boxers that get hit in the head t0o often might suffer as did M. Ali !!  ;-`{   r"R"r.r`r,a.'wWw rRr...

  5. With any blunt are going to feel pain.  So if you were punched in the side of the head and have some pain there, that would be normal.  It should go away though within like a day or so with the exception of some minor pain due to bruising.

  6. im with adam on this one!!

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