
Normal or not???

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Is it normal for a 12 year old to still pee the bed? If not, what can be done?




  1. it is they could have a bladder condition you should go to the doctor and ask about that first

  2. He may have a small bladder or bladder issues,

    you may want to visit the doctor about it.

    Also tell him not to drink anything later than 730ish and to go to the bathroom before bed, that may help, it helped my brother.

  3. I have a cousin that peed to bed until she was 13. She is a very heavy sleeper and her bladder was a little to small. So with that combination she had a hard time staying dry at night.

    I think that you should take him to the doctor just for peace of mind. If there is something wrong then you need to know but if there isn't then at least you know and then can deal with it from a more physiological perspective.

  4. they could have a bladder infection or something like that...

    get him the things for 10 to 12 year olds

    there called under jams i think

  5. My cousin had this happen and while it is not typical he saw a doctor which told him it was a mental condition and in a counseling session or two were able to stop the bed wetting. Also it may be some type of bladder condition if it happens frequently, I would visit a doctor just to rule out possible infections.

  6. NO NOT AT ALL.....make sure he/she goes to the bathroom right before he/she goes to bed

  7. You're probably aware without having to ask, that its not usual.  There's either a physiological cause or psychological reason, your first port of call should be your G.P.,let him help to sort out any medical reason,plus he can advise the best places to go for specialist assistance.

  8. It is normal but it depends on how often.

    My son peed in his bed until he was about 11, it only happened periodically and when I took him to the doctor's they said it was normal.

    I would make sure that it is not happening frequently, if it is then you may want to see a doctor!

    Good luck!

  9. well i have a cousin that is 13 and he still craps his pants

  10. Most children gain better bladder control by the age of 9 years old, so in that sense a 12 year old should be physically able to control his/her bladder.

    However, stress could cause bladder problems as could an infection.

    The best thing to do is to see the family doctor and discuss your concerns and go from there.

    I hope that helps. :)
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