
Normal routine gets boring :(?

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What do you do all day?

Doesn't it get boring for a stay at home mom (im one)

I Get up, get kids ready, feed them, shower, get ready take them to school, come home, do laundry, get on computer, clean house, eat lunch, do chores, go get kids, get snack, put down for nap, get up, get dinner do homework, go to bed

I mean really that's my day EVERY DAY IT SUCKS....

I don't have the money to out and just blow for fun what else is there to do :( Help me!!

I'm also 6 months pregnant and i have a 4 year old and 7 year old




  1. i took up a small hobby to keep me occupied and give me something outside the normal routine to do. I love scrapbooking its a lot of fun. You can get simple things to start out with and they turn into great works of art! I hope you figure it out! good luck:)

  2. I'm never bored.  There is always something to do.  I can always find projects to do around the house, read, catch up paperwork/filing/bills, talk to friends, run errands etc.  I also take a few online classes (broadening my horizons).

  3. well it sounds like you have a good routine going.. and that's good for children. keeping them in a constant routine helps them learn for the years to come and will help develop good habits. like for school work and chores, they become responsible and independent. its good to switch it up a bit, like when they do something really good, reward them. with sticker, or going to the park. take them on walks and as you walk play red light green light! teaches them boundaries! going out side is your best bet with children in that age range!

  4. When my oldest was 1, I joined a moms group. Even when we moved to a different state, I got on the website and found one in our new town. It makes a huge difference to have other mothers to get together with. You need some support. Try to find a group in your area or google playdates.

  5. i am not a stay at home mom but i do think there is plenty you can do that doesn't cost much, you could just go walk around the mall for a hour or so, or get a icecream and sit and people watch from a table in the mall, it may sound a little lame but sometimes if you are that bored any change of pace is very helpfull....or maybe find a good book and take a blanket to the park and just read for a little while out in the open air.....or maybe you could hook up with a old friend for lunch once a week or something, get some adult interation once in a while, well hope i was helpful and good luck!

  6. Take some college courses.  Its fun, you, meet new people, and you learn something new!   Beading is something you could learn and teach the kids.

  7. I'm in the same boat as you are, only next week the car is getting re-poed, so I will be very bored.   You could join a pay group for your 4 yr old and meet other stay at home moms.  The public library has story hour, once you meet other moms you will get a well of info on free or cheap things to do to get out of the house.  If your ever in  Mississippi, we can hang out and be bored together lol.

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