
Norse god that drank the ocean and other feats. I'm trying to think of the name of him and find the stories

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  1. Thor, Thor drank the ocean when tricked by Utgard-Loki. this causes the low tide. From Prose Edda by snorri Sturlasson

    see link below

  2. OK, not completely up to date on my Norse gods but Odin is the top god also known as the "All Father".  His son Thor is the god of thunder and Loki is the god of mischief.

  3. When he visited Utgard, Thor and his companions Loki and Thialfi competed with Giants in several contests. One was drinking. King Utgardaloki told Thor that his best men could drain a drinking horn in one drink, ordinary ones took two drinks to empty it, and only weaklings took three drinks for the task. Thor took a big drink that he was sure drained the cup. To his dismay, he saw that he had lowered the level only a little. He took a second drink even bigger than the first one and saw he'd drunk about 1/4 of the mead in the horn. The Giants were laughing, so Thor drank until he felt like he was going to burst. He'd left much mead in the cup, so the Giants ridiculed him. As he left, Utgardaloki told him that magic had beaten him and his companions. The drinking horn was connected to the sea, and Thor had lowered its level a lot. From the time since, there were tides.

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